mma is a made up martial art.

[QUOTE="Tony Dismukes, post: 1710574, member: 752say in you don't care about MMA, then why are you bothering to comment on a thread about MMA? There are plenty of threads on other topics currently active. There's no rule saying you have to participate in a discussion that has no interest for you.

BTW - if you are opposed to hubris and people being played against each other, then it might be a good idea to avoid calling folks "no ones" and "wannabees." That's not the sort of verbiage normally associated with humble people who are trying to get along with others. Just saying ...[/QUOTE]
No offense but you badger like a narc lols, just sayin. Its a pop fad price of language, that's it, and using the popular vanacular makes people think their smart or part of the real thing. Believe. Me sir I mean you no disrespect but I think its pretty funny to hear people talking about pressure testing a martial art, again the arts used in mma have been pressure tested over and over and over and over and over Andover until the topic of pressure testing is not only moot but frankly laughable when you hear people talk about it in regards to mma. Pressure testing a fighter is a different story altogether.
This conversation is making all of us stupider BTW, just sayn bro.
No. I claim the martial arts that do not fight are not pressure tested.

Pressure tested judo,boxing and karate are neighbours of mma. We have judo,boxers and karate guys training or teaching in our mma club.

And those martial arts don't have to hide behind lineage. They work now. They will be pressure tested today.

What martial arts are you attempting to call out exactly.
[QUOTE="Tony Dismukes, post: 1710574, member: 752say in you don't care about MMA, then why are you bothering to comment on a thread about MMA? There are plenty of threads on other topics currently active. There's no rule saying you have to participate in a discussion that has no interest for you.

BTW - if you are opposed to hubris and people being played against each other, then it might be a good idea to avoid calling folks "no ones" and "wannabees." That's not the sort of verbiage normally associated with humble people who are trying to get along with others. Just saying ...
No offense but you badger like a narc lols, just sayin. Its a pop fad price of language, that's it, and using the popular vanacular makes people think their smart or part of the real thing. Believe. Me sir I mean you no disrespect but I think its pretty funny to hear people talking about pressure testing a martial art, again the arts used in mma have been pressure tested over and over and over and over and over Andover until the topic of pressure testing is not only moot but frankly laughable when you hear people talk about it in regards to mma. Pressure testing a fighter is a different story altogether.
This conversation is making all of us stupider BTW, just sayn bro.[/QUOTE]

We just call that training.
I am not calling out a martial art. I am critiquing a training method.

Dude that's pretty lame lols. Full contact pit fighting isn't a training method in the least of bits it a self defense situation at the least and more like a full on combat scenerio honestly. You sound like the kinda guy that believes martial arts is about fighting, the truth is it really isn't about fighting at all, the only thing that makes mma anything to do with fighting is people who step in the ring, same as boxing same as contact karate, you know anything about contact karate from the seventies or eighties, I guess that covers pressure testing for tkd and karate then, I'm ready to move on how about you dude the crap gets old OK.
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First of all I should apologize for being in a foul mood. Second of all I don't see anything you've really critiqued other than some kind of statement that certain martial arts that don't have full contact events went in pressure tested, and as a martial artist I have to say that a load of horse **** to be honest.
First of all I should apologize for being in a foul mood. Second of all I don't see anything you've really critiqued other than some kind of statement that certain martial arts that don't have full contact events went in pressure tested, and as a martial artist I have to say that a load of horse **** to be honest.

Boxing judo and karate have full contact events.
A person could do tkd for twenty years and still not be able to fight his way out of a papper sack.

I've known a lot of TKD guys. By my experience, I can't fathom this to be correct.
If so, I'm quite sad.
I've known a lot of TKD guys. By my experience, I can't fathom this to be correct.
If so, I'm quite sad.

Depends on the tkd. In Australia in the 80s 90s it used to be the weapon of choice for gangsters and enforcers. So it was used by hard men for real fighting.

Its reputation has mellowed a bit since then.
Hey I'm not picking on tkd. I know a few tkd guys you wouldn't try to mess with. Sorry if I single out a specific martial art I didn't mean to.
My point comes from the heart when I say that martial arts really doesn't have a whole whole lot to do with fighting. Literally I've seen guys train m.a. of all kinds for ten plus years and pretty much any highschool tough guy could take them. Its not enough to have martial skill, its not enough to lift weights and its not enough to simple be put in the ring its not even enough to do all three of those things. There has to be some fight in YOU, and you can't drive that into a person with a sledge hammer if their not willing to put up a fight then the dog won't hunt...period, bottom line.
As for the comment about judo, boxing and wrestling I think its safe to say that its self explained, those arts are tried and try it doesn't need us to put them to the test, mma style didn't need to be pressure tested the people using it in an mma match needed to be pressure tested.
If a person would just slow down long enough to really do their homework it wouldn't take very long to figure out that there has always been a mixed martial arts environment somewhere at sometime, if you don't the idea my friends look at the pancration movement or the vale tudo movement, still not convinced then wrap your head around wrestling and traveling carnivals of the twenties and thirties. The only difference is the coverage that mma gets and the pop trends that follow along with it, that's really it.
I'm ready to move on how about you dude the crap gets old OK

You can move on any time you like. If you think that practitioners and aficionados of MMA are going to stop discussing the topic just because you drop in and call us some names, then you might need to adjust your expectations.

Then again, you're still posting in this thread. Does that mean you've changed your mind and would like to participate in the conversation after all?

all the other martial arts have already been pressure tested a hundred years ago

There has to be some fight in YOU, and you can't drive that into a person with a sledge hammer if their not willing to put up a fight then the dog won't hunt...period, bottom line.

if you don't the idea my friends look at the pancration movement or the vale tudo movement, still not convinced then wrap your head around wrestling and traveling carnivals of the twenties and thirties. The only difference is the coverage that mma gets and the pop trends that follow along with it, that's really it.

I've got replies to all of these, but it's not worth typing them up if you "don't care" about the topic and think that I'm "badgering you like a narc" for replying to your comments. Let me know if you are actually going to be part of the discussion, and if so I'll post my answers.
Look at your own profile quote by Hillary Book, good quote BTW. Just so its made clear, I don't have any trouble with mma conversations, I like mma a lot. Trouble with mma is that in the past ten years its attempted to choke out its competition by totally invalidating every other martial art around it with the old its not pressure tested statement which has become the creed and motto of every single tom dick and hairy on every forum and in every club in the world its like a cool slang phrase like dude in eighties or what's up in the nineties. Put some pressure on yourself lols, boxing didn't need to be reinvented or explored all over again, who are you actually kidding, I sparred for years in a hybrid system how long do you think it took me to catch on to the fact that boxing is what works, in fact ever heard of kick boxing...again ever seen full contact 'karate,' from the seventies and eighties...its a total joke to listen to people spew and regurgitate how mma has solved the what works and what doesn't work issue in the martial arts a true joke, and it was played on a truly clueless generation during a bad time in history and the people at the top of the ladder made a bunch of money for themselves and their friends in the fashion industry not to mention the Hollywood b style movies that came from the whole mess. The truth isn't what you want, you want what you want, you want validation you want people to see you as valid, in order to do that you make other ma seem invalid, and again and again and again I'm going to tell you that if you really think the martial arts in general have anything to do with making you fighter then your as crazy as the one that flew over the cookoos nest sorry to be harsh but really.....Who do you thank you are, most of this thread is so disconnected from reality that it borders on some identity disorder.
BTW, save your replies lols, I'm never going to validate you or them, neither should any other mentally healthy adult. By your statement and standards society is a truly strange place. I'm interested in as to what you think about other topics, say body peirceing, tattooing, medical marijuana and the civil war for a kick. I think the bottom line is that most mma is a side show unfortunately, it was created to be a spectical and it has was done on a huge scale. BTW I dig ole time strong man stuff but let's try to keep it real can we I mean dad blame.
There seems to be some confusion regarding mma and making stuff up as we go along.

mma as it stands now Is a result of an art adapting to a competition. Rather than a competition deriving from an art.

so the art itself is a fluid concept. There is a constant testing innovating and re testing of ideas. The contest is the crucible in which the art is created.

this fluidity means that new terms and new ideas are created constantly..

yes we make stuff up as we go along. Different gyms will call the same techniques different things. Or have entirely new techniques.

so in doing mma or talking to a mmaer you may have to deal with terms like the abracadabra kick or the vertical round house.

my point still is here so long as you can do it. And so long as you can make yourself understood. The names are less important.

Wow, this is really something. Lols where do you guys come up with this stuff, I mean you sound like your a scientist inttoduceing some kind of wonder food or drug. Mma as you know it came from Brazil to be exact where it had already been perfected in vale tudo fights and the gracies new that fact they just didn't want to validate it before you. They sold you a sense of personal discovery about fighting and the martial arts that's as false as it can be, tons of hybrid systems in the states were using boxing, jujitsu and karate for years and years and years, not idiots either, educated, athletic, men in law enforcement, the military and the library were aware of the effectiveness of mixing martial arts, the only thing your version of mma does kid is give you a good place to watch fights, I don't need a pressure test lols, you go fight in an mma match if your so concerned about pressure.
you want validation you want people to see you as valid, in order to do that you make other ma seem invalid

I've been a member of this site for 10 years. I invite you to look through my postings and find even a single example of me being disrespectful towards other martial arts or trying to "invalidate" them.

BTW, save your replies lols, I'm never going to validate you or them

I'm not sure why in the world you would think that I need your "validation." It might have escaped your notice, but what we have here is a forum for discussion. That means one person says something, another person replies, and so on. In this way, we can exchange views, entertain, and educate each other. If we lose interest in a given topic, we simply move on to another conversation.

You seem to be under the impression that the proper flow of conversation is for you to make sweeping pronouncements (including insulting characterizations of other commenters) and dismiss all replies by sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "La la la, I can't hear you."

I strongly encourage you to decide whether you actually want to take part in the current discussion. If not, there are plenty of other active conversations on the forum. (We no longer have the politics subforum to discuss non-martial arts topics as medical marijuana or the civil war, but there are plenty of other places on the web to do that.)
This topic will never end and is almost completely pointless to talk about on a martial arts forum anymore these days. Something that never seems to get clarification during these conversations as to what exactly mma is or isn't is the fact that doing martial arts does not make you a good fighter, neither does lifting weights or running. A person could do tkd for twenty years and still not be able to fight his way out of a papper sack. The so called mma style is exactly the same thing, and honestly all of the noise I hear about it is just that IMO.
Mma is very very broad term, its also extremely generic and could truthfully be used to describe any of the hybrid arts out there. Guys who just practice the stuff they see in the cage is mma I suppose but frankly who's teaching them, where did they learn it from, it actually has a history and comes from somewhere.
Now that I said that let's remember that the mma rule set allows all arts and styles no question, if that's the case then how on earth can people say they only do mma answer is they do a hybrid martial art that should have a name and they fight in mma matches. There we go.
MMA is actually a very specific term. It's not abstract at all. It refers to a sport that is governed by various sanctioning bodies and are grounded in the unified ruleset that has been adopted throughout the world. There are minor variations on the ruleset from place to place, but it's as easy to know you're talking about MMA as it is to know you're talking about western boxing, freestyle wrestling, or any other well defined, combat sport.

MMA does not refer to a hybrid art that doesn't relate to the sport of MMA. That is an intentional misuse of the term. Whether to capitalize on teh popularity of the sport or just through ignorance, the term very specifically refers to the sport that is governed by various sanctioning bodies grounded in the unified ruleset.

As I mentioned earlier, if you're mixing up styles of martial arts for some purpose other than relating to the sport of MMA, you're just cross training.
MMA is actually a very specific term. It's not abstract at all. It refers to a sport that is governed by various sanctioning bodies and are grounded in the unified ruleset that has been adopted throughout the world. There are minor variations on the ruleset from place to place, but it's as easy to know you're talking about MMA as it is to know you're talking about western boxing, freestyle wrestling, or any other well defined, combat sport.

MMA does not refer to a hybrid art that doesn't relate to the sport of MMA. That is an intentional misuse of the term. Whether to capitalize on teh popularity of the sport or just through ignorance, the term very specifically refers to the sport that is governed by various sanctioning bodies grounded in the unified ruleset.

As I mentioned earlier, if you're mixing up styles of martial arts for some purpose other than relating to the sport of MMA, you're just cross training.
If MMA is specific MA is not. It just has to be the worst translation I have ever seen to describe Japanese Budo/Kobudo. I never ever use the term and just say Budo as do most that are serious practitioners.
If MMA is specific MA is not. It just has to be the worst translation I have ever seen to describe Japanese Budo/Kobudo. I never ever use the term and just say Budo as do most that are serious practitioners.
:) Is this in response to my post? I don't understand what you're responding to, Hyoho. I didn't even use the term MA.

I will say that whatever root it has, words and languages are constantly evolving. It may have meant something once, but it mostly only matters what it means now. That's any term, whether MMA, MA or anything else.
This is a total and complete text book show of holding on to testosterone driven attachments to validation by the world, in this case you seek that validation by aligning yourselves with mma, something violent on television its a name tag you wear, it says hello my name is-I DO MMA. Let it go, the only person doing MMA is the guy in the ring putting on the show and generating revenue for a fight producer everybody else is doing hybrid combinations of the same ole same ole martial arts that have been around for ages.

You can't get over it because your terrorfied to let it go, it would kill something deep within you to admit the truth about krotty and mma and who you are and what the real world is actually about.