Mike Tyson Documentary.


Blue Belt
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York, New York
I just saw the new Mike Tyson Documentary. Its plain awesome. Its an honest look into the champs life, from nothing to glory to his fall. He cuts no corners in narrating his tale. At times you feel sorry for the man, while at other times you simply fear him.

If you are thinking of seeing a movie check it out. If you've seen it what do you think?
The man would have been great if Gus could have stayed around longer or he kept Rooney longer also. Gus kept him in line.
What a wasted talent. The guy could be the guru of all boxing if he just kept his head on straight, hell, even now if he straightened up and opened a school it would become the boxing mecca.

Tyson's a sad story for me because I'm 28 so I was a kid and grew up seeing all his great victories. We all know how as kids we idolize athletes, for me it was the NY Giants (still is), Diego Maradona, and Tyson. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Hey man thanks for the link.

The man would have been great if Gus could have stayed around longer or he kept Rooney longer also. Gus kept him in line.

Thats the same thing I was thinking and is so evident in the documentary. With Gus' death he neglected the mental part of his sport. Life's hard...

Should be subtitled: Life is REALLY hard when you're stupid.

Yeah, i listened to him speak and he was very candid and straightforward almost lacking tact like a teenager. It was as if once he became champion (after Gus's death) his mind was frozen at that stage. Its not hard to conceive since most people that gain the fame that he did at the level and age he did would also consider further development or knowledge unnecessary. The man was on top of the world tooo early.

What a wasted talent. The guy could be the guru of all boxing if he just kept his head on straight, hell, even now if he straightened up and opened a school it would become the boxing mecca.

Tyson's a sad story for me because I'm 28 so I was a kid and grew up seeing all his great victories. We all know how as kids we idolize athletes, for me it was the NY Giants (still is), Diego Maradona, and Tyson. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Yeah man, his 8 second knockouts were just unheard of. To see him from the point he was at the top of his game to now is just saddening. One thing it definitely shows is the importance of training the mind plus the body in any endeavour.
Back in the 80s, my favorite documentary on Mike Tyson was this HBO special - watched it many times for inspiration:
