Meaning of Chon-Ji

Dear GM Earl Weiss

Talking about Tong-il stomping, it is not still my tul, so perhaps I misunderstood GM Marano.

Perhaps, perhaps not. I think sometimes there is a language problem . Things don't always translate well. Sometimes I would hear someone ask a question of General Choi in English and you could see him translate it into Korean in his head, seemingly formulate an answer in his head, translate that into English and then give the answer which really did not address the question. Sometimes some like his son would have a brief conversation with him in Korean and then there would be an answer in English that addressed the question. Sometimes the same question,worded a little differently was asked a little later and an answer addressing the question was given. Sometimes it was never properly addressed. Now, if we take that scenario and consider Something said going from Spanish - English - Korean - Korean - English - Spanish it gets more complex.
Dear GM Weiss:

Please see the edition 8th of Taekwondo Generation, Page 44-45. This is the magazine of our ITF
TAEKWON-DO GENERATION Nº 08 English - March 2019

Best regards

The article certainly is in line with the theory you state, however where the idea was derived from is not stated. Further it refers to the "Unofficial" idea of the 19 moves being for the 10 gup ranks and 9 Dan ranks except, as stated it was created before there were 10 gup ranks. Then it also has the idea of the reflection of the heavens in the lake, so pointing down to the lake reflecting the heavens is another idea. All these ideas are interesting but fall slightly short of a definitive explanation for a question that has been around for a long time. Still, some explanation is better than none. Thank you for this.
Perhaps, perhaps not. I think sometimes there is a language problem . Things don't always translate well. Sometimes I would hear someone ask a question of General Choi in English and you could see him translate it into Korean in his head, seemingly formulate an answer in his head, translate that into English and then give the answer which really did not address the question. Sometimes some like his son would have a brief conversation with him in Korean and then there would be an answer in English that addressed the question. Sometimes the same question,worded a little differently was asked a little later and an answer addressing the question was given. Sometimes it was never properly addressed. Now, if we take that scenario and consider Something said going from Spanish - English - Korean - Korean - English - Spanish it gets more complex.
I hear you brother. I have seen and had this happen to me endless times with our GM Seoung Eui Shin. It has gotten easier for me over the years, but sometimes I just have to smile when I see the blank page face on people it is happening to.

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