McManus promoted to 5th Degree Black

that's like saying if i'm a 4th in kenpo and a 2nd in arnis(soon)then that would make me a 6th right?WRONG
Originally posted by jaybacca72
that's like saying if i'm a 4th in kenpo and a 2nd in arnis(soon)then that would make me a 6th right?WRONG

I wonder what I can get for all my brown belts and green belts over the years? I may be a grandmaster and not even know it!
Originally posted by arnisador
I wonder what I can get for all my brown belts and green belts over the years? I may be a grandmaster and not even know it!

Well Arnisador, you have much mre rank than one GM (* **** *) I can think of and mention. :asian:
I just got back from teaching a seminar with Anding De Leon in Dallas. I had a great time and picked up some new stuff to boot. I was looking around Guro De Leon's school and saw some pictures from the 94 Dallas Modern Arnis Camp. In the pics I saw I saw Jeff Delaney, no uniform or belt. I then saw a picture of the Modern Arnis black belts who attended, Jeff was not in them. So I asked Guro Anding why Jeff was missing from the picture. He told me that it was Jeff's first Modern Arnis event.

Started 94 and became GM in 2001. Sound fishy? You be the judge.:confused:
Originally posted by Renegade
I just got back from teaching a seminar with Anding De Leon in Dallas. I had a great time and picked up some new stuff to boot. I was looking around Guro De Leon's school and saw some pictures from the 94 Dallas Modern Arnis Camp. In the pics I saw I saw Jeff Delaney, no uniform or belt. I then saw a picture of the Modern Arnis black belts who attended, Jeff was not in them. So I asked Guro Anding why Jeff was missing from the picture. He told me that it was Jeff's first Modern Arnis event.

Started 94 and became GM in 2001. Sound fishy? You be the judge.:confused:

Now that does present a problem doesn't it?
Maybe.... no, I don't dare say it.... but then again I could mention something else.... no, that would lead me back to what I didn't want to say earlier... so I gues I will just have to let the fishy sound pass me by and just listen to that bright earful of sunlight, this fine Spring Day in Buffalo... :D

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
How old is this post. Casuse it seem to have aged fast
now that there is a new promotion???????????????????
Red Blade said:
I found this interesting seeing that she was promoted to her 2nd degree at the 2000 Michigan Summer Camp. What rank does this make Mr. Delaney?