McManus promoted to 5th Degree Black


Red Blade

Sensei Sherwood then presented McManus with a dozen pink roses in celebration of her recent promotion to 5th degree black belt.

I found this interesting seeing that she was promoted to her 2nd degree at the 2000 Michigan Summer Camp. What rank does this make Mr. Delaney?
Originally posted by Palusut
He is GM Delany!!!!:)

Originally it was co-successor Shea and Delaney with no specific rank being awarded. When the MOTTs were formed those who weren't already fifth, were brought up to that level. Evidently, Jeff considers himself much higher than that now. As far as an organizational promotion from all the new splinter factions, I have no problem with this being done. I myself was promoted by my organization but followed a couple rules which it seems that some people chose not to look at.

1) Not allowing anyone to skip degrees of black belt during a promotion.
2) A minimum of a three year or more wait for black belts fifth degree and higher.

There are other rules but there is no need to get into the details. If this is what they choose to do in their organization, then that is their choice. My feeling no matter what belt a person wears, their knowledge and ability, or lack thereof, will be apparent. I wish them luck in what they do. And look forward to seeing Lisa become our senior in the next couple of years.
I have never worked with Ms. McManus, so I cannot coment, other than I would like to have the chance to some day.

Just schedule conflicts when she was near my location and distance the rest of the time.
Originally posted by Red Blade
I found this interesting seeing that she was promoted to her 2nd degree at the 2000 Michigan Summer Camp. What rank does this make Mr. Delaney?

I wish I could say that I am suprised, but unfortunatily I am not.:mad:
Originally posted by Palusut
She's already started that, she has some tapes out:D !!!! is my problem with martial arts in general. It is hard to keep up the standard when you have people promoting themselves more rapidly then what there skill shows, and then throwing it out there in the form of "a tape series," or something of the kind. The general public, hell even "martial artists" are too often unable to recognize what is quality and what isn't. It is very fusterating; there is no imperical way to prove ones skill anymore. It isn't until the unqualified get on the floor next to the qualified that people will be able to truely judge. When has Delenay, or McManus ever decided to get on the floor next to someone in Modern Arnis who might be more qualified then they? They won't do it because they don't want to be shown up.

We'll I just hope that people who decide to buy their tapes, or go to their seminars will at least make the effort to see other Modern Arnis players out there to make the comparison.

Remember, Ashada Kim and Count Dantes were able to make some dough selling merchandise, so I'm sure McManus and Delenay will do the same selling there product. This doesn't make any of them qualified, however.

But, hey, some people liked to be lied to, and like to live in fantasy land. Too many "martial artists" are lost in fantasy. Well, there's nothing any of us can do about that. Also remember this saying: You can be the master of your own universe if you never leave your backyard.

I wish Mr. Delenay and Mrs. McManus on their quest for recognition as masters of the modern arnis unicerse.

Ms. McManus got 12 pink roses for her promotion, on the true opposite side of the spectrum, what did you guys do for Datu Tim?:D
Lisa's promotion and Tim's aren't even in the same catagory, so don't go there. Tim hasn't been promoted in over 4 years, and this was decided on by a board within the WMAA organization, with the help and council of other GM and high ranks outside of the organization. There was an overwhelming response within the modern arnis community to want to promote Tim, so that is what the WMAA did. Tim had little to do with the decision making process when it came to his promotion; he just had to either accept or decline.

Lisa has gone from 2nd degree to 5th in a little over 2 years. This fact alone doesn't even put her promotions in the same catagory as Tims. Now although I don't know how she was promoted, I can say safely that these promotions are probably not supported by the modern arnis community as a whole.

As for Flowers, come on! Well I was going to send him some, but then I realized that I'm not really that gay (all joking aside). :p

Seriously, though, Tim has recieved probably a ton of e-mails and phone calls in congrad's for his accomplishments. These congrats aren't overwith either; we still have some events coming up where some other forms of recognition might be in order. I don't need to write an internet article about TIm getting a dozen roses to prove anything, however, unlike some.

Bottom line: if you want to support Delenay and McManus, fine. If you think that their behavior is appropriate, then by all means support them. If you and others want to be that irresponsable, then I guess that is your call. Just so long as you fully understand
why other people choose not to support them, or their actions.

I can't really say much else, because you'll only hear what you want anyways, so I think that this conversation is over.
Hi Paul,

Bear in mind that I prefixed my joke with "on the true opposite side of the spectrum":) !!!

Its no doubt that Datu Tim has put his time in (since the 80's). I was wondering what you guys did for him or if you guys pulled any stunts, being in mind that GM Presas could not do the caning.


Originally posted by Palusut
I was wondering what you guys did for him or if you guys pulled any stunts, being in mind that GM Presas could not do the caning.



Isn't dealing with Paul enough?
Originally posted by Renegade
Isn't dealing with Paul enough?

Hey, watch it buddy! That's it, I'm coming over to live with you and Janice for the week for that comment. It'll give Kate a break, anyways.:rofl:

Palusut: It sounds like I'm getting all bent out a shape for nothing. I think I probably misunderstood you a little. Sorry dude! :armed:

Originally posted by Palusut
Ms. McManus got 12 pink roses for her promotion, on the true opposite side of the spectrum, what did you guys do for Datu Tim?:D

Just a thought.
Hey, watch it buddy! That's it, I'm coming over to live with you and Janice for the week for that comment. It'll give Kate a break, anyways

Don't expect Roses from Thor !
Originally posted by Tapps
Don't expect Roses from Thor !


That is true! and If Paul Brought Roses for Thor, Loki would be jealous! :eek: and then I would not want to be in between them. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Palusut
Ms. McManus got 12 pink roses for her promotion, on the true opposite side of the spectrum, what did you guys do for Datu Tim?:D

I gave him a big thumbs up. I plan to crack him in the head next time we spar (I can usually get 1 good shot before I become a punching bag).

I think, for me, that's the difference. I've seen Jeff and Lisa move at seminars. I've seen Tim move and I've felt his skill. I KNOW he deserves his rank.

Just curious if anyone has trained and or spared with Lisa or the "Grandmaster" what are your opinions:
Instead of a dozen roses, let's get him a dozen chicken wings. If we all chip in we might be able to cover the cost.

What other organizations do for promotions is their business.
Originally posted by arnisador
Instead of a dozen roses, let's get him a dozen chicken wings. If we all chip in we might be able to cover the cost.

What other organizations do for promotions is their business.

I want a bucket with blue cheese!