MartialTalk Signature Policys

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Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
Mod Note: This thread spun off from the 'Open Letter" thread to focus on the 'Signature issue' raised in there. - Kaith

Originally posted by Kirk
So then change the rules

I believe that the rules adequately cover the matter. These are different cases.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by arnisador
I believe that the rules adequately cover the matter. These are different cases.

-MT Admin-

Whatever dude! That's a load of bull and you know it. So it's
now policy to lay down statements like this and not explain any
Signature Policy:
Each MartialTalk Membership comes with the ability to display a signature. This signature can be used to promote your site, business, or other ventures. Your Signature must follow these guidelines:
· Signature size is limited to 6 lines of 65 characters.
· A blank line counts as a line.
· You can put in links that lead to your site(s) or a product page.
· You can't run sales ads in your signature.
· You may mention your company, and contact information.
· You can have a slogan. i.e. "Best place to train in the UK"
· No scams or unenforceable offers i.e. "Earn $10,000 a month selling suntan lotion to dolphins".
· Pre-approved BBcode is acceptable.
· Signatures may contain an image, however, the Maximum size of the image can not exceed 350 pixels wide, by 60 pixels high. Maximum file size is 20kb.
· Signatures are subject to all other content restrictions.
· Signatures must be setup in your profile and not manually added to your messages.
· All signatures must be appropriate for this Forum and are subject to review by the MartialTalk Moderation Team.

We've tackled about a dozen Sig related issues here that I can recall... a few dealt with profanity (I think quotes from movies, songs) that made it thru the filter (or were circumventing the filter), a couple of graphics that were a bit too big, and a couple of those we thought didn't 'fit' here.

We usually contact the holder of the sig, and let them correct it first.
Originally posted by Kirk
That's a load of bull and you know it.

This statement is not correct.

So it's now policy to lay down statements like this and not explain any further?

We are quite willing to discuss issues such as this. However, I do not think it's appropriate to change this thread into a lengthy discussion of MartialTalk signature file policies. Please start another thread or, better yet, PM an admin. with your specific question(s) on this matter.

-MT Admin-
I posted a whole song lyric once and Katih sent me a message saying he liked the song, yet it was too long for the signature.

I re-read the rules after I shortened it.

This was all doen with PM and no one knew about the issue.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
I posted a whole song lyric once and Katih sent me a message saying he liked the song, yet it was too long for the signature.

I re-read the rules after I shortened it.

This was all doen with PM and no one knew about the issue.

I had a sig that said "Jesus Did It For The Chicks" .. arnisador
insisted that it be changed. Someone or someones :D had a
problem with it. But I have a problem with a signature dealing
with the folks who serve our country in the military. I think it's
bull. I think the rules should state the humor in religion is not
allowed, but insulting those that serve in the military, are open
Originally posted by arnisador
This statement is not correct.

We are quite willing to discuss issues such as this. However, I do not think it's appropriate to change this thread into a lengthy discussion of MartialTalk signature file policies. Please start another thread or, better yet, PM an admin. with your specific question(s) on this matter.

-MT Admin-

You don't answer my PMs
I personally didnt find the Hemmingway quote to be offensive...nor would I find a Heinlin (sp) quote that was also referenced to be offensive. I don't see the insult, especially in the full quote.

There are many quotes, comments, etc that while I dont personally find them offensive, we must balance that against those who might.

If we think theres a possible problem, we ask the member to change it.

If we have a problem with it, we will change it ourselves.
For example, on September 12th, 2001 the phrase "boxcutter-fu" turned up on 3 different boards...on all 3, it was rapidly yanked. 1 board removed signature privilages for all its members after that.

Certain areas are prone to stricker moderation than others - religion, the abortion issue, and politics are 3. Music lyrics and commedian quotes are also looked at carefully.

I have a quote from Patton for example that I like a lot, but out of consideration to those involved in the military, now is not the time to use it.
I don't care for the person in question's political stance, and I don't care for her misquoting (seemingly) the source of her her quote. And while I am offended at the folks whose politics seem to me to be only half-baked at best, her signature is her method of expressing her beliefs, feelings, etc.

In that context, and in the context in which I think she is posting the quote, I'm not offended any more than I suspect folks are offended by my signature line.

:asian: :tank: :asian:
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
I don't care for the person in question's political stance, and I don't care for her misquoting (seemingly) the source of her her quote.

the source of my quote is Hemingway. how am I misquoting that? If you're meaning that I didn't use the entire quote, I give you the following example...

If I quote Shakespeare, Act II, Scene 2 as:

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?"

That quote is correct. Its what Shakespeare wrote.

However, this method is also correct.

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
and I'll no longer be a Capulet...
'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself."

Either method of quoting is correct. I knew the portion of the Hemingway quote that I had (in a book of quotes someone had given me) was correct, so that was the portion I used, and attributed it to the person who said it.

**I'm not implying that I quoted the Shakespeare correctly. I just wrote it down from what I remembered in high school English class... it was just for example's sake, so I didn't bother to go look it up...***
First off, nightengale, I apologize for YOU being the subject of
this. I know that you and I are on waaaaaay opposite
sides of the fence when it comes to politics and religion, and
that's all this is about, really. But not opposing the right to
express your views. Just the fact that you can express yours,
offensive be damned, but I can't express mine. I would in
fact "take it to PM" if multiple attempts in the past weren't
ignored. So for that, I apologize. Again .. we're on opposite
sides of the fence, and because of this, I have to bring into
question the TRUE intent of your signature. I feel that what
you've presented as your intent is a brush off, really. So's to
keep the offensiveness down.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
I don't care for the person in question's political stance

That's why I was offended in the first place.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
And while I am offended at the folks whose politics seem to me to be only half-baked at best, her signature is her method of expressing her beliefs, feelings, etc.

If that's the case, then the guidelines need editing. Political
jokes, inferences, and insults are allowed, yet humorous
comments involving religion will not be tolerated.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
In that context, and in the context in which I think she is posting the quote, I'm not offended any more than I suspect folks are offended by my signature line.

I don't think you'd take the context she eventually put
forward, if you'd read her numerous posts regarding politics, and
specifically the current war on kenponet.
We try to be relaxed on the signatures. That is why despite the 6 line rule, we haven't really cracked down on the small novels that are starting to turn up in sigs.

My suggestion is, pick a quote, and cycle thru them. Don't try to use them all.

We make an exception to the length rule for staff -IF- they are also trying to include board tips or links in them. (ie support info)

Regarding Nightingales political/religios views - she, as well as everyone is entitled to express them, as long as they are within the forum guidelines. She quoted a noted and respected author, whe is a vet. She didn't say "soldiers are baby killers". That would have been axed. She said "War is a crime"...war, not the warriors. I happen to agree, war is a crime. Its a crime against life. I think there are usually better ways to resolve things. However, I do not have a problem with those in the military. They are doing what they must. Remember, I also come from a military family.

Regarding Kirks "Jesus did it ..." sig. - That was deemed to be close to the borderline, and possibly offensive to our more religious members. (We have around 10-12 openly Christian members). We couldn't ignore it and more than we could the "Mohomads Rib-B-Q" or the Carlin quote (I cant recall it exactly) that we also nixed a while back.

The ultimate decision on what is and what is not acceptable is the administative team. If we have a problem, we will contact you about it.

I will look at the existing rules, and try to expand them to better cover the concerns in here.

One thing to remember...we can always turn off signatures. They like the Smilies, Private Messaging, and other features are all 'extras' that we have enabled provided they are not abused or become a huge headache to us.

Sigs seen used in this thread:

Phil - that one is fine, as was the previous one you were using. The previous one was too large in file size. Phil was quick to switch when we notified him about it.

Kirk - too long

Yiliquan1 - too long
Originally posted by nightingale8472
the source of my quote is Hemingway. how am I misquoting that? If you're meaning that I didn't use the entire quote, I give you the following example...

If I quote Shakespeare, Act II, Scene 2 as:

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?"

That quote is correct. Its what Shakespeare wrote.

However, this method is also correct.

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
and I'll no longer be a Capulet...
'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself."

Either method of quoting is correct. I knew the portion of the Hemingway quote that I had (in a book of quotes someone had given me) was correct, so that was the portion I used, and attributed it to the person who said it.

**I'm not implying that I quoted the Shakespeare correctly. I just wrote it down from what I remembered in high school English class... it was just for example's sake, so I didn't bother to go look it up...***

It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"
~ Mark Twain

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
~ Abraham Lincoln (and Confucius)

"Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. "
~ Proverbs 17:28

...and the one I'm most familiar with:

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
~ George Eliot
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
We try to be relaxed on the signatures. That is why despite the 6 line rule, we haven't really cracked down on the small novels that are starting to turn up in sigs.

My suggestion is, pick a quote, and cycle thru them. Don't try to use them all.

We make an exception to the length rule for staff -IF- they are also trying to include board tips or links in them. (ie support info)

Regarding Nightingales political/religios views - she, as well as everyone is entitled to express them, as long as they are within the forum guidelines. She quoted a noted and respected author, whe is a vet. She didn't say "soldiers are baby killers". That would have been axed. She said "War is a crime"...war, not the warriors. I happen to agree, war is a crime. Its a crime against life. I think there are usually better ways to resolve things. However, I do not have a problem with those in the military. They are doing what they must. Remember, I also come from a military family.

Regarding Kirks "Jesus did it ..." sig. - That was deemed to be close to the borderline, and possibly offensive to our more religious members. (We have around 10-12 openly Christian members). We couldn't ignore it and more than we could the "Mohomads Rib-B-Q" or the Carlin quote (I cant recall it exactly) that we also nixed a while back.

The ultimate decision on what is and what is not acceptable is the administative team. If we have a problem, we will contact you about it.

I will look at the existing rules, and try to expand them to better cover the concerns in here.

One thing to remember...we can always turn off signatures. They like the Smilies, Private Messaging, and other features are all 'extras' that we have enabled provided they are not abused or become a huge headache to us.

Sigs seen used in this thread:

Phil - that one is fine, as was the previous one you were using. The previous one was too large in file size. Phil was quick to switch when we notified him about it.

Kirk - too long

Yiliquan1 - too long

Possibly offend? I was told by arnisador that you receive
SEVERAL complaints. :shrug:

Would "Budda Did It For The Chicks" be better?

Or how about "I would like to see Gou banned - Arnisador" .. that
would only offend him. But I bet you'd make me change it.
There's no misquote there. And no lack of context.

And again, the message here .. political slam, okay .. religious is

Your statement of the interpretation of nightengale's post only
came once she explained it. More lack of consistency. You posted
before the interpretation came about, why didn't your statement
of "I happen to agree, war is a crime. Its a crime against life."
come out at that time? Because you too, needed the context
expanded upon.

How many members don't visit the locker room, and will never see the intent?

But, okay, you da man, I'm just a squirrel in your world, I won't
even post here anymore. I would've gotten out of it long ago
had arnisador not been so mean about it in the first place. Mean
when he told me to take it off, and apparently lied about the
reason behind it. And mean now, in his posts of not even
attempting to explain the differences, when politely asked. I
guess mods don't have to follow the rules when they dislike the
Originally posted by Kirk
Or how about "I would like to see Gou banned - Arnisador" .. that would only offend him.

I'm well aware of Arny's secret love for me. We talked about it and he has had to accept that I'm just not ready for a relationship right now, but he's welcome to send me gifts to keep trying.


P.S. - I have a kewl new sig now too! Woo woo!

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
.....I personally didnt find the Hemmingway quote to be offensive...

Could it be b/c it was in the sig line of Nightingale who happens to be a MT mod and a well respected and well liked member too? :D

If it was in my sig line, my *** would be glass, huh? lol
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
If it was in my sig line, my *** would be glass, huh? lol

Maybe you need a better sig line then?
Sorry, you're right Kirk...its all a conspiracy against you.
I'm sorry I don't have perfect recall, nor the time to wade thru tons of posts looking for the 'real' reason we are so against you personally.

Obviously, we must be, else you wouldn't feel the need to hammer us every time we do something you don't like.

To you, we are communists (though you obviously do not understand the definition of 'communist')

Def - A member of a Marxist-Leninist party.
A supporter of such a party or movement.
A Communard.
often communist A radical viewed as a subversive or revolutionary.

To you we are censors (Though we've only eliminated certain profanities, and personal attacks).

To you, we have secret biases and conspire against our members

Arnisador and Gou -HAD- their differences. To the best of my knowledge they have worked them out.

I do not see a political slam in her quote...why do you have such a resentment towards her? It seems that ever since sh became a mod, you have seen fit to take her to task and hold her to standards you yourself could not meet. Thats not fair.

So she's a pacifist? Big whoopin deal. I'm a wanna burn me at the stake? Take me to task too?

My statement came after she explained it.... Oh Gawd! I'm sorry if I can't read minds, travel thru time, and answer things before they are asked. I'm sorry if I don't post complete explainations with full cross referencing to meet your high standards.

Political slam? Where? When? Who?

Regarding Arnisadors 'meanness'...have you ever considered he is just tired of going thru the same childish crap -every- time you get your nickers in a knot over us doing something you don't like.

I try to run this place as fairly as I eats up a ton of my time...time I could be using elsewhere, and crap like this makes me wonder why I even bother. Kirk, if its so bad here, and we are so against you, and so unfair, why do you bother to come? Go somewhere that you can do and say what you like..try RMA, there you can be as free as you want, and say what you want, and no worries.

Here's the deal... You are a guest here....we have guidelines... if you wish you remain a guest, you will follow those guidelines. If you cannot do so, then leave. Based in part on community feedback, we determine what is and is not acceptable here. We also base those on what we consider to be 'professional' behavior. This is an evolutionary process with the associated bumps in the road along the way.

We found her Hemmingway quote to be within those standards...we found your Jesus one to not be. End of argument.

Your current signature is too long. Please shorten it or we will be forced to do so for you. Failure to comply may result in elimination of signature rights. Childish 'seat kicking' type actions will result in a suspension and/or ban.

Do I make myself clear Kirk?

When this forum started, we had 10 simple, we have 8 pages of them. Must we look for, and consider every possible issue and rule specifically for it?

Signatures are subject to all other rules...specifically they must comply with our signature policy.
Signature Policy:
Each MartialTalk Membership comes with the ability to display a signature. This signature can be used to promote your site, business, or other ventures. Your Signature must follow these guidelines:
· Signature size is limited to 6 lines of 65 characters.
· A blank line counts as a line.

· You can put in links that lead to your site(s) or a product page.
· You can't run sales ads in your signature.
· You may mention your company, and contact information.
· You can have a slogan. i.e. "Best place to train in the UK"
· No scams or unenforceable offers i.e. "Earn $10,000 a month selling suntan lotion to dolphins".
· Pre-approved BBcode is acceptable.
· Signatures may contain an image, however, the Maximum size of the image can not exceed 350 pixels wide, by 60 pixels high. Maximum file size is 20kb.
· Signatures are subject to all other content restrictions.
· Signatures must be setup in your profile and not manually added to your messages.
· All signatures must be appropriate for this Forum and are subject to review by the MartialTalk Moderation Team.

What more do I need to say here before you really understand?

Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go post about this on the private "Kirks a Looney" forum we've set up for our conspiracy, and then will have to defend myself against both the Canadians (who will be insulted I compared you with the currency) and the Monty Python fans (who dont think youre as good as teh Black Knight).

Good day!
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