Martial arts turned my life around


White Belt
Mar 7, 2012
Reaction score
I used to be the type of person who was driven by only two thing: pride and anger. I was obsessed with being though, acting tough, and above all being successful. Now, I am not saying those are bad things, in the Machiavellian way they are all positives (I would have scored like 100% on the Machiavelli test two years ago), but for me they were bad. It was actually because of this pathology that I choose to take up ninjutsu, fancying myself some sort of bad-***. Two solid years under a perfect teacher for me have let to a start reevaluation of my priorities, and I can laugh at who I was. I hope to share this on these forums.
Mine too! Welcome to MT, enjoy......................
Sounds to me that you are on the right track with a good attitude. Welcome.
I used to be the type of person who was driven by only two thing: pride and anger. I was obsessed with being though, acting tough, and above all being successful. Now, I am not saying those are bad things, in the Machiavellian way they are all positives (I would have scored like 100% on the Machiavelli test two years ago), but for me they were bad. It was actually because of this pathology that I choose to take up ninjutsu, fancying myself some sort of bad-***. Two solid years under a perfect teacher for me have let to a start reevaluation of my priorities, and I can laugh at who I was. I hope to share this on these forums.

Welcome aboard! Who/where are you training with?

Oh, and just an aside (as I love the topic), while I am a big fan of The Prince, there is a fairly strong theory that it was written more as a satire of what he saw as the most negative forms of human behaviour, particularly as concerned with politics, and was never intended to be taken seriously. It really goes completely against everything else Niccolo Machiavelli wrote, contradicting everything else which indicates his actual beliefs. Of course, this is a theory, but it does seem to fit...

The point is more that what is considered "Machiavellian" might not actually represent anything that Machiavelli himself believed or would have agreed with... which does make the basic idea of that test (fun, by the way, I got 67) rather moot.

I look forward to your input on the forum!
Welcome to MT! I too had those issues, but a relationship with God and the martial arts cleared that up in a heartbeat!
Thank you for sharing and looking forward to "seeing" you on MT!
