Martial Arts Monthly, first issue available now!!!


Green Belt
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Worcester, MA
Hi friends! I know you all probably saw my post a few weeks ago asking for contributors to a new Martial Arts Monthly publication, and I'd like to thank Bob Hubbard, KenpoJoe and all the others who made this publication come to fruition, for those who haven't seen it yet, it is available at under the "Current Issue" link. We're currently accepting new contributors for future issues, and hope to have our second issue available by mid to late March. I urge everyone, from all styles, to subscribe and receive e-mail notifications on when the new issues are released, I'd also like to take this opportunity to let everyone know, we are still, and will always be, looking for more contributors, be it one time, or a regular column, please check out the current issue at the aforementioned website and please consider contributing and sharing some of your knowledge with the world. There is no rank or style limitations on contributors, so sign up today!!! Thanks everyone!!!
Thanks Dave, we had some formatting issues, but overall, we were quite pleased. would you be interested in contributing to the March issue? How about anyone else, everyone is welcome!!!
