Martial Arts for Practical Application


Yellow Belt
Sep 13, 2023
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I think I asked this question in one of my other threads but I am going to expand on it. Is there a martial arts that picks moves that work in a street fight (not sport) from all other martial arts through out human history and combines it into one martial arts. The reason I ask this is because I know there are lot of bs in some martial arts. There are people who make a living by debunking fake martial arts through out the world. I am looking for whole fighting system that includes any situation that can occur in fight. Everything from ground game, standing game, clinch game, controlling, striking and etc.


I think I asked this question in one of my other threads but I am going to expand on it. Is there a martial arts that picks moves that work in a street fight (not sport) from all other martial arts through out human history and combines it into one martial arts. The reason I ask this is because I know there are lot of bs in some martial arts. There are people who make a living by debunking fake martial arts through out the world. I am looking for whole fighting system that includes any situation that can occur in fight. Everything from ground game, standing game, clinch game, controlling, striking and etc.

I suspect that if you ask 20 people, you'll get 30 answers.

One argument you may get is that most martial arts 'work in a street fight' if you take the time to learn the art. Traditionally, most if not all martial arts were meant to be used as a means of real self-defense against real threats as they existed at the time.

Another counter you might get is why are you getting involved in street fights? Frankly, a lot of martial arts instructors have no interest in training people who go out looking for street fights.

And it should be said that there have been many attempts to make exactly the kind of art you're talking about, with varying degrees of success. From the invented "Jukado" of Bruce Tegner to modern combatives taught by various militaries and including arts such as Krav Maga.

I would ask what you're talking about when you say:
There are people who make a living by debunking fake martial arts through out the world.
There are certainly plenty of fake martial arts, and plenty of people who debunk them (not sure if that's how they make their living, but whatever). However, by the way you chose to insert that in your request, it makes it seem as if you're dismissing all martial arts that do not focus specifically and entirely on street fighting as 'fake', which they're not.

Ultimately, here are my suggestions:

1) Find an art that's taught near where you live. There is little point in seeking out some super esoteric art that satisfies all your requirements and needs, if it's too far away from you and you can't train there anyway.
2) Attend some training as a spectator. Do your due diligence on the art, the school in question, and the instructor.
3) Once you choose a school, enroll and THEN TRAIN THERE.

I emphasize because most people who are 'interested' in super-duper, guaranteed man-killer, no-joke, real-deal martial arts are full of questions and criticisms but will never actually train. I am not accusing you of being one of those people, but keep it in mind; ultimately you have to fish or cut bait. Train in SOMETHING or do not train at all.

I think I asked this question in one of my other threads but I am going to expand on it. Is there a martial arts that picks moves that work in a street fight (not sport) from all other martial arts through out human history and combines it into one martial arts. The reason I ask this is because I know there are lot of bs in some martial arts. There are people who make a living by debunking fake martial arts through out the world. I am looking for whole fighting system that includes any situation that can occur in fight. Everything from ground game, standing game, clinch game, controlling, striking and etc.

‘…work in a street fight…’ is a phrase akin to ‘…chat up lines that work…’. It’s a panacea that many people claim to have found in a ‘I’ve combined the best of every art and discarded what doesn’t work’ type of idea. But it’s just silly!

BUT….maybe Ninjutsu 🥷🏻

I think I asked this question in one of my other threads but I am going to expand on it. Is there a martial arts that picks moves that work in a street fight (not sport) from all other martial arts through out human history and combines it into one martial arts. The reason I ask this is because I know there are lot of bs in some martial arts. There are people who make a living by debunking fake martial arts through out the world. I am looking for whole fighting system that includes any situation that can occur in fight. Everything from ground game, standing game, clinch game, controlling, striking and etc.

Pretty much everything taught in any art works in a street fight. Except when it doesn't.
You keep asking the same question, and you should have figured out by now that you're going to keep getting the same answer.
Go find a school near you. Train. There is no magic solution.
Except for Sinanju.
BUT….maybe Ninjutsu 🥷🏻 LOL, 28 years of my life.

Well maybe not the way it's taught for the most part. I would say there is no perfect art for street fights.
It is the situation itself which might lend itself to different practitioners, amount of training and well you can apply what you have learned. Physical attributes. No sense if you are built like a potato . Youth, personally I have taught a few that honestly using even what I taught them, I wouldn't want to street fight them. Also there is your personal alignment. I am a fair teacher. I can convey a message. I am not a fighter. Maybe if it came down to it
But, as I as always told. It will never look like it did in the dojo. Never watch video footage of you defending yourself. May be as horrific as married couple porn.

I've cross trained in a lot of arts. I don't know one that would assure you of success in a street fight in the short term anyway.

My 2 cents, which being Canadian isn't worth a penny.
In self defense, you do need to learn to fight, but during self defense you don’t want to have the mindset of sparring or dueling. The physical act of self defense, if it comes to that, must come out of passivity or blackness, must be immediate and must disable the perpetrator. Someone pushes you, you step back, put your hands up in a conciliatory manner, say “c’mon let’s not do this”. Hopefully they stop and go away, but if they don’t, and proceed to accost you, justice must be immediate.
Now which art does this best? I think it’s less the art and more the mindset of the school and instructor. You have to observe classes and ask pertinent questions.
I am looking for whole fighting system
If you want to learn how to fight, you need to fight. If you spar/wrestle 15 rounds daily, in 2 years you will become a good fighter.

A: What MA system do you train?
B: I train how to meet my fists on my opponent's face.
C: MA is more than just fighting. MA can be used for self-cultivation, inner peace, culture study, health, world peace, ...

I like B's answer. I don't like C's answer.
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I am looking for whole fighting system
All you will need is to fill in the following tools in your toolbox.


1. Punch - jab, cross, hook, uppercut, overhand, back fist, hammer fist, side punch, spiral punch, hay-maker, ...
2. Kick - front toe kick, front heel kick, side kick, roundhouse kick, hook kick, back kick, inside crescent kick, outside crescent kick, tornado kick, jumping double front kick, jumping crescent kick, ...
3. Knee - upward knee, horizontal knee, 45 degree knee, flying knee, ...
4. Elbow - horizontal elbow, upward elbow, downward elbow, forward elbow, backward elbow, ...
5. Lock - finger lock, wrist lock, elbow lock, shoulder lock, head lock, spine lock, knee lock, ankle lock, ...
6. Throw - single leg, double legs, hip throw, leg twist, leg spring, leg lift, leg block, foot sweep, ...
7. Footwork - forward step, backward step, side step, wheeling step, circle walking, circle running, long distance advance, long distance retreat, ...
8. Ground game - full mount, side mount, arm bar, leg bar, choke, ...
9. Short weapon - dagger, double edges sword, single edge knife, Miao Diao, ...
10. Long weapon - staff, pole, spear, Guan Dao, ...
11. Throwing weapon - bow and arrow, throwing dart, throwing knife, throwing rock, ...
12. Firearm - pistol, riffle, machine gun, RPG, grenade throwing, ...
If you are attacked on a thoroughfare, and you do nothing but stand there, like a lemon, we may call that ‘effectiveness’, arbitrarily, zero (on a ten scale).

Any unarmed intervention you make will increase that ‘effectiveness value’ : flinching = 0.02, slapping back = 1, randomly punching and kicking out = 3…whatever.

The fabled ‘10’ is unattainable…it’s an asymptotic curve whose limit approaches infinity.

BUT…🤔…maybe Ninjutsu is an 11 🥷🏻

I think I asked this question in one of my other threads but I am going to expand on it. Is there a martial arts that picks moves that work in a street fight (not sport) from all other martial arts through out human history and combines it into one martial arts. The reason I ask this is because I know there are lot of bs in some martial arts. There are people who make a living by debunking fake martial arts through out the world. I am looking for whole fighting system that includes any situation that can occur in fight. Everything from ground game, standing game, clinch game, controlling, striking and etc.

Hmm, off the top of my head, martial arts that claim to be whole fighting systems will include Ketsugo, Jukado, Combat sambo, Kudo and MMA. Your chances of finding the first 4 are somewhere between slim and none. So that leaves MMA.

Try here SBG Mixed Martial Arts, BJJ & Fitness - Bartlett The former owner (still associated with SBG) taught functional MMA, including weapon defense based on MMA. I would imagine the focus remains the same.

I think I asked this question in one of my other threads but I am going to expand on it. Is there a martial arts that picks moves that work in a street fight (not sport) from all other martial arts through out human history and combines it into one martial arts. The reason I ask this is because I know there are lot of bs in some martial arts. There are people who make a living by debunking fake martial arts through out the world. I am looking for whole fighting system that includes any situation that can occur in fight. Everything from ground game, standing game, clinch game, controlling, striking and etc.

There are a lot of arts that have tried to do this over time. There are problems with doing it, and problems with expecting it to work the way most folks think it will. Here are a few problems I've seen/understand:
  • Unless you're immortal, you can't learn a ton of other systems, so you're picking either a few techniques from a bunch of systems - some of which you don't really understand - or you're picking from only a few systems.
  • Different systems may emphasize different principles and strategies, so what works well within the system may not be as effective outside the system.
  • What works in a "street fight" (I assume you mean a self-defense situation, not an arranged fight, which would be a type of sport) is pretty hard to quantify. There are systems that swear by techniques others of us find it difficult to believe are both effective and reliable. The only ways I know of to put any data to a system's efficacy is either in sport, or in regular work practice (security, LEO, etc.). And even then, the latter (and the former, though to a lesserr extent) may be validating the training system more than the techniques.
  • Putting together disparate pieces can leave large holes in a system, so just picking "the best" can make for an awful hodgepodge of stuff that doesn't really work well together.
  • What really works in a SD situation changes over time, as the culture changes. So a system that picks what has historically worked within other systems may be picking what used to work.
  • Even if you put together the right conglomeration of hand-picked techniques and backing foundational principles, if you don't include a good training system (learning delivery), it won't work well.
If a system works well within multiple reasonable competititve formats (formal or informal) and against multiple systems (and some with no system), it's likely to be effective as a SD fighting system.

I am following up on my question. I am not looking for street fight but I want to learn how to street fight. Just because I know how to street fight doesn't mean I will go do it. For example take this open mat that the Gracie's did long time ago
. This fight doesn't look anything like a mma, kick boxing, boxing, or any other kind of fight you see on TV. The people don't hop around on there feet or do any other unrealistic things. The video looks like street fight. Has any one noticed how fighters on TV can fight for 15 to 30 minutes and have unrealistic body shapes. In the video the challenger and opponent are gasping for air after 2 minutes.

Thank you
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I am following up on my question. I am not looking for street fight but I want to learn how to street fight. Just because I know how to street fight doesn't mean I will go do it. For example take this open mat that the Gracie's did long time ago
. This fight doesn't look anything like a mma, kick boxing, boxing, or any other kind of fight you see on TV. The people don't hop around on there feet or do any other unrealistic things. The video looks like street fight. In this fight the challenger said I had the right opportunity to hit you but for some reason I didn't. I don't know what happened. I don't why I didn't hit you. I am very curious why the challenger didn't hit him. He looks more bulky and fitter than his opponent.

Thank you

I am following up on my question. I am not looking for street fight but I want to learn how to street fight. Just because I know how to street fight doesn't mean I will go do it. For example take this open mat that the Gracie's did long time ago
. This fight doesn't look anything like a mma, kick boxing, boxing, or any other kind of fight you see on TV. The people don't hop around on there feet or do any other unrealistic things. The video looks like street fight.

Thank you
It looks quite a bit like some MMA matches, especially the earlier ones. You seem to have picked some key elements of different competition styles to blend in your head for a single picture of what competition styles/combat sports look like. What you call "unrealistic" are adaptations that folks have made because they work in that specific competition format. Some of them will also work outside that context, but folks who train for flexible/unknown contexts will train to not use those things that aren't reliable across contexts (like the bouncy movement that some kickers find useful for sparring/competion).
Is the video I posted Gracie Jiu jitsu? Does a style like the one in the video exist in the modern age?
Is the video I posted Gracie Jiu jitsu? Does a style like the one in the video exist in the modern age?
MMA evolved from BJJ by itself dominating. Also, it's not always advisable to go to the ground in a modern street fight.
