This is something I found on reviews of books relating to the martial arts...the link is below...
"Mitose's In Search of Kenpo" by James Matayoshi Mitose. For some reason this book sells for mucho dinero on e-bay. It is a badly written plagiarized 60 page booklet with large print, bad stories, and unflattering illustrations. The attempt of a convicted felon (murder, conspiracy to commit murder, etc.) to teach morality. To be fair, Mitose's English was said to be none so great, and this book appears to be more of a tribute by his dedicated second generation students--and as such (and being out of print), a collector's item."http://www.bestjudo.com/article13.shtml he also does a review on one of Mr Parkers books which isn't too flattering. What do you think? :asian:
"Mitose's In Search of Kenpo" by James Matayoshi Mitose. For some reason this book sells for mucho dinero on e-bay. It is a badly written plagiarized 60 page booklet with large print, bad stories, and unflattering illustrations. The attempt of a convicted felon (murder, conspiracy to commit murder, etc.) to teach morality. To be fair, Mitose's English was said to be none so great, and this book appears to be more of a tribute by his dedicated second generation students--and as such (and being out of print), a collector's item."http://www.bestjudo.com/article13.shtml he also does a review on one of Mr Parkers books which isn't too flattering. What do you think? :asian: