Man wearing bra & panties stabs goat


Beating you all over those fries!
MT Mentor
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not sure whether belongs in Horror or Comedy over here. There's elements of both.

HARLESTON, W.Va. — A West Virginia man found wearing women's underwear and standing over a goat's carcass told police he was high on bath salts. [ ... ] Cpl. Sean Snuffer said Thompson indicated he had been high and "wasn't in his right mind."

On that last point, I'm not really sure what Snuffer meant. Stabbing goats in my unmentionables is one of my favorite Saturday night activities. Although how those goats get into my unmentionables is beyond me ...
I can't seem to be able to get the goat to stop eating the unmentionables. Which is why I never stab one while wearing them. That's a risk I'm unwilling to take.
Yep I can think of better ways of spending my Saturday night then sniffing bath salts and killing livestock, but hey that's just me.
But all things considered it's probably better than sniffing the livestock directly.
It's not the sniffing that bothers me, but wearing the underwear while engaged is just not right.
But all things considered it's probably better than sniffing the livestock directly.

Well I'm sure that there are some folks out there that are doing that as well :) Chalk that up to the latest and greatest crazy.
But all things considered it's probably better than sniffing the livestock directly.

Well I'm sure that there are some folks out there that are doing that as well :) Chalk that up to the latest and greatest craze.
:confused: ummm.... :confused: aaaaa...:confused: yeah..... :confused: I have no idea how to even comment on this one :idunno:

Dude, the guy made a rookie mistake.
Everybody knows you don't kill the goat until after you've finished.
Otherwise it's weird.
Am I the only one who thinks "Gosh, if that were me that conversation would have gone differently:"

"Son, why did you kill that Goat?"
"I'm having a party, I purchased this livestock to Butcher and serve at the party"
"But, boy, why in gods name are you in a bra and panties while you are doing it?"
"Well, it wouldn't do to get my Tuxedo bloody before the party, would it?"
He probably didn't limit his stabbing of the animal just to his knife.
He probably didn't limit his stabbing of the animal just to his knife.

Possibly. I don't know. I've never had livestock (dead or alive) in my bedroom.
I'll defer to your expertise in this matter.
