Looking for Sam Tendencia's Disciples!


White Belt
If you are a disciple of G. Master Sam Tendencia or if you were a student of Sam then and know were a disciple of Sam is, please let me know.
Thanks, ndg714
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Thanks for answering. Did not mean to blow someone's mind spiritually! Master Sam is well and ingood hands. He asked me to do a round up. I personally do not want the Art He gave to a handfull of people to die out.

Looking for the twins (Randy and Rene) and Felex Perez-Checa.

Thanks, Maestro Guillory
Dr Dave,
I do hope that ARNISTENDENCIA.com will supply you with all your rattan needs.
Thanks for your support,
Meastro Guillory
Dr Dave,
I do hope that ARNISTENDENCIA.com will supply you with all your rattan needs.
Thanks for your support,
Meastro Guillory

A plug for Sam's stick making methods...I bought some sticks from Sam in 96. Used them liberally, then gave one to a student when he promoted to black. The other one? I used this one exclusively for many years, ANND STILL DO!!! I have since then burned through many pairs of other sticks. More importantly, I have blown up many other peoples sticks in drills, popping them. I have only recently started to chip the varnish on it.

Sticks made in Sam's method will last you waaaayyy longer than other sticks. Good place to get them.

Thanks, Dr Dave. I have made stick with Master Sam for years. I wind up blowing out most sticks I go up against. Then selling them to the same person. Only to make more!!
I don't beleive I've destoried one of our sticks; then again, Arnis Tendencia never used a lot of sinawalli!
Thanks for the props!,
Meastro Guillory

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