Looking for a specific set of hand wraps


Black Belt
Apr 8, 2018
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A boxing coach of mine from around a year ago let me borrow some of his handwraps. Mine are old mexican style, and to be frank, I hate them. It feels like I am holding onto toilet paper. His seemed very traditional, white (but yellowish from age) and were Lonsdale. He claimed to have bought them at sports direct a couple of years ago. The handwraps themselves were very rough and rugged to the eye, and they felt like "soft sandpaper" is the best way to describe them. Any one have any idea the material or where I can find them? Thanks
A boxing coach of mine from around a year ago let me borrow some of his handwraps. Mine are old mexican style, and to be frank, I hate them. It feels like I am holding onto toilet paper. His seemed very traditional, white (but yellowish from age) and were Lonsdale. He claimed to have bought them at sports direct a couple of years ago. The handwraps themselves were very rough and rugged to the eye, and they felt like "soft sandpaper" is the best way to describe them. Any one have any idea the material or where I can find them? Thanks
I just had a quick Google. You might be looking for herringbone hand wraps. Of which I know nothing about but look like what you are describing.