Orange Belt
To sum this post up: I am basically looking for any legitimate school or master in China. I have some leads, but any insight from anyone to help give me a legitimate experience in China would help. I had some leads, and everytime I found one lead, some blog would basically dismantle another school. I went from looking for Wing Chun outside of Hong Kong ( I don't want to spend that much on my first trip there). I have recently settled on a shaolin school in Dengfeng, Xiao Long Wu Yuan. I just got done reading some bad things about the school. Does anyone know anything about this school? Does anyone have a recommendation on an amazing school in China? At this point, I really do not care what arts it in. I have light JKD background. If I can say anything from it, it has taught me every art has greatness to offer. I just want to spend my time in China, in a worthy and legitimate place and practice my Mandarin before I ship off to some undisclosed location in Peace Corps - Sub Sahara Africa. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, after doing a lot of research on this Shaolin Kung Fu adventure in China, I can't help but to feel like almost all of the schools emphasis will be put on forms and acrobatics. I am not doubting anything about the methods of how things are taught, I just want to know I will be in a place where I can learn very important functions, structures, and/or applications of a CMA. Thank you in advance, I apolgize for the the weird format of this post, but for whatever reason, this template is not allowing me to double space. -Ryan