Legends of the Martial Arts


Master Black Belt
May 18, 2004
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Rose Barracks Vilseck,Germany
Who would you consider to be a Legend in the Martial Arts, mine would be:
George Dillman
Wally Jay
Remy Presas
Seiyu Oyata
Hohan Soken
T.A. Frazer
Song Pak
Mas Oyama
Bruce Lee (just for making the martial arts so popular)
Myamota Musashi
I know that I have probably left out many great MA's so let me know which ones you would put in there
yep you missed some. For all the Kempo/Kenpo people you would have to list:

Professor William K.S. Chow - Diffently a legend
Grandmaster Sam Kuoha
Gichen Funakoshi
Jigoro Kano
Morihei Ueshiba
Masutatsu Oyama
Cheng Man-ch'ing
William K.S. Chow
Ed Parker
Masaaki Hatsumi
Kenwa Mabuni
Chen Fa-ke
Chojun Miyagi
Donn Draeger
Bruce Lee
Bong Soo Han
Doshin So
Ark Y. Wong
Miyamoto Musashi
Kanbun Uechi
Tatsuo Shimabuku
Kuo Yun-shen
Tung Hai-ch'uan
Li Jing-lin

I've probably missed more than I listed, but these are the ones which come to mind. :asian:
What about Bodhidharma. He is possibly the inventor of martial arts.
But mine would be as follows
#1. Yip Man
#2. Chojun Miyagi
#3. Morihei Ueshiba
#4. Nai Khanom Tom
#5. Kichimatsu Tanaka
#6. Jigoro Kano
Jigoro Kano

True legends are rare. I certainly wouldn't include many people in my list, though it would be longer if I could remember more founders of good systems.

George Dillman will have to do a hell of a lot to get on my "legends" list....
Anko Itosu
Bushi Matsumura (spelling)
Peichen (spelling)
Kenwa Mabuni
Gichen Funakoshi

More modern Menji:

Bruce Lee
Dan Innosanto
Ed Parker
Steve Armstrong
Fumio Demura
Richard Kim

oh did I mention...me :>)
for judo i'd take Kyuzo Mifune...i know Prof. Kano founded the sport but Mifune is just such a great story...a tiny guy that could drop even the biggest people, he was so technically proficient...
oh...and i've always heard some cool stories about gogen yamaguchi as well...
i would have to say:

Ip man
sokaku takeda
morihei ueshiba
okuyama yoshiharu (founder of hakko ryu)

As far as more modern legends i would say:
jackie chan, jet li, bruce lee for making chinese arts so popular
chuck norris for what he introduced
The gracies for developing what is one of the best competition arts out there
and mr miyagi for showing me how to wax a car
ppko said:
Who is he, no disrespect just never heard of him:)
He's the founder of Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu. Author of "Essence of Okinawan Karate-do" and "Tales of Okinawa's Great Masters".
Takuan Soho

Yeah yeah, he was a Monk... but tell me his teachings had no influence on the arts.
:jedi1: Master Yoda
:jedi1: Master Windu
:jedi1: Master Kenobi


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