Leg injury.

My leg is hurt pretty badly and I trained anyway, it got a lot worse and the doctor thinks it is a bakers cyst. Is there something I can do besides take pills and wait for it to get better? I want to go and train but all my friends are complaining about it.

Story Yang Jwing Ming told us at a Push hands seminar.

One of his students was injured and wanted to train but the doctor told him he couldn't. He asked Dr. Yang how could he train, because he felt he didn't train he would die. Dr. Yang said "don't train" his student went on to explain why that was not possible and reiterated that he would die if he could not train. Dr. Yang then told him to Die. The student was shocked and upset and Dr. Yang said, if you train, you will hurt yourself possibly to the point were you can never train again. You said if you don't train you will die. If you injure yourself so bad you can't train then you will die. Better to listen to the doctor and not train for a while until you heal so you can train and not die.....

Take the time and heal, listen to the doctor, because if you don't you will get much worse. I will spare you all the stories of the times I was hurt and didn't listen and ended up much worse....but know I am speaking from experience

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