learning exp


Brown Belt
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Came pretty close to having my butt handed to me outside a bar. Dude was talking smack and I had enough to drink that I started talking smack in return. Didn't really notice his girlfriend run inside yelling about a fight outside. Anyway, it seemed like everyone poured out of the bar to come help the other guy. Two "friends" that were with me ran away and left me to face the drunken horde alone. If they hadn't have been intoxicated, I probably would have been in serious trouble. Most of them were slow and clumsy. I got made fun of for a few weeks for having gotten a black eye, but I think that I did fairly well.
Oh well, learned my lesson. That was the last time that I went to a bar, and I'd be happy to never go to one again (mostly because they charge to much :) ).


Senior Master
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Theban_Legion said:
Came pretty close to having my butt handed to me outside a bar. Dude was talking smack and I had enough to drink that I started talking smack in return. Didn't really notice his girlfriend run inside yelling about a fight outside. Anyway, it seemed like everyone poured out of the bar to come help the other guy. Two "friends" that were with me ran away and left me to face the drunken horde alone. If they hadn't have been intoxicated, I probably would have been in serious trouble. Most of them were slow and clumsy. I got made fun of for a few weeks for having gotten a black eye, but I think that I did fairly well.
Oh well, learned my lesson. That was the last time that I went to a bar, and I'd be happy to never go to one again (mostly because they charge to much :) ).
I learned a long time ago, if i'm going to get in to a fight (and I don't make it a habit of it) i'm NOT going to stand there and run my mouth. Some people must derive courage from standing around exchanging insults...it just makes me more nervous.

If i've made up my mind to hit a guy, then i'm just going to hit him, quickly and repeatedly, until he isn't a threat to me, and run away before his friends show up.

Again, if you're going to do something, do it right. I try to avoid fights, but I hate worse to lose one (meaning be on the receiving end of the beating).


Brown Belt
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
sgtmac_46 said:
I learned a long time ago, if i'm going to get in to a fight (and I don't make it a habit of it) i'm NOT going to stand there and run my mouth. Some people must derive courage from standing around exchanging insults...it just makes me more nervous.

If i've made up my mind to hit a guy, then i'm just going to hit him, quickly and repeatedly,
Yeah, I understand. This event occured almost 10 years ago. Sometimes some people learn stuff the hard way.


Senior Master
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Theban_Legion said:
Yeah, I understand. This event occured almost 10 years ago. Sometimes some people learn stuff the hard way.
Oh, I learned the hardway too...more than once (i'm a slow learner).


Blue Belt
Mar 12, 2005
Reaction score
Derby, England
I notice there are people here saying about stopping going out drinking. Well I'd never do that, I love going out with friends and getting drunk. Do it all the time and haven't had any trouble for ages now. Of course the next time you go out could be the time you get killed, but i wouldn't like to stop such a major source of pleasure as going and out and having beers with chums and getting drunk, just because i might get in trouble.
I think that nowadays I'm just more aware of my surroundings when I'm out. If a fight was inevitable I'd try hit as hard as poss and get out of there.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
It's a balance. You could be careful every minute, and live like Howard Hughes--afraid of every germ-laden surface.

But, drinking heavily is a big risk in many ways. I see the wisdom of watching that one, and living with the risk that flying could result in a crash.


Green Belt
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Thank you all for such good insights
But if we could all just let go of the booze..

what I am wondering, is what have we all learned from our setbacks, our failures?
Again- I learned situational awareness. Along with a greater interest in the physics of motion.

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jan 26, 2005
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andy said:
Thank you all for such good insights
But if we could all just let go of the booze..

what I am wondering, is what have we all learned from our setbacks, our failures?
... to let go of the booze.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
As a former bouncer the stories I could tell...Over the years I have learned one major lesson..Drinking and the martial arts don't mix...


Senior Master
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
A couple of reasons I don't drink when out at clubs.

1) Just my background but to me, going to clubs is all about music. I'm a musician and I go to listen to music and to hang with musicians so even when I'm not playing, I like to be able to keep focused

2) The aforementioned "martial arts and drinking don't mix"

3) Alchohol throws off my timing and I play in the rythm section...bad combination....

4) Having to pack those speakers and amps after the gig...

5) The drive home...

Martial Tucker

Black Belt
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
Sweet Home, Chicago
I'm not about to give up alcohol, but I do have a personal "3 drink MAX" rule when I am drinking outside of my home in a social situation. I'm sure that alone has saved me much embarassment, and probably some injury over the years....also maybe avoided DUI or two...

As for awareness, that's the real key. I learned alot about situational awareness "back in the day" when I was a bouncer. I pretty much never go into a bar alone, and if I do, I try to position myself near an exit, and in such a way that there are very few, if any, people behind me or not in my field of vision. If that means I have to go stand in a corner and lean on a jukebox, so be it.
As for parties, I am reluctant to go if I don't actually know the host/hostess. Again, if I do go to a party where there are many people I don't know, I try to stand in a position where I can see everyone else in the room. Don't stand with your feet together, but rather in a comfortable "walking stance". Sounds paranoid, but these are really minor things that are easy to habitualize, and if you're going to be drinking in a room full of strangers who are also drinking, it's really an easy way to help keep the odds in your favor.


Master Black Belt
May 5, 2005
Reaction score
I generally don't drink unless it's a VERY SPECIAL occassion and then only in a private, secure setting. However myself and some of the guys I train with have adopted a program similar to a "designated driver." When we go hang out at parties and such we have 2 guys there that don't drink (usually myself and whoever else volunteers not to drink that night) who are the "designated fighters" for lack of a better term. Basically these two guys are to be the eyes and ears of the group and responsible for avoiding trouble, resolving any disputes peacefully when ever possible/necessary, and... well you know the rest. These guys are also the drivers in case anybody has "one too many". Kind of a bodyguard program among friends.


Blue Belt
Mar 12, 2005
Reaction score
Derby, England
Kenpojujitsu3 said:
I generally don't drink unless it's a VERY SPECIAL occassion and then only in a private, secure setting. However myself and some of the guys I train with have adopted a program similar to a "designated driver." When we go hang out at parties and such we have 2 guys there that don't drink (usually myself and whoever else volunteers not to drink that night) who are the "designated fighters" for lack of a better term. Basically these two guys are to be the eyes and ears of the group and responsible for avoiding trouble, resolving any disputes peacefully when ever possible/necessary, and... well you know the rest. These guys are also the drivers in case anybody has "one too many". Kind of a bodyguard program among friends.
Designating the fighters before the night out just made me chuckle!
I get what you're saying but the way it's written just made me smile!:)