kicking teckniques



hi everyone. i was wondering if anyone can give me any tips on the many kicks we do in hapkido. right now i know basic kicks but would like to try and make them alittle crisper and faster, before i move on to the more difficult ones.:asian:
all i can say is practise, practise, hmmmm lemme see.. practise..
I don't know if you been in a "chair" Kicking class yet.. but you can try this at home..

Using a chair... lightly touch or support with one hand using the chair.. and go through all the kicks you know.. very very slowly.. really focus on raising your knee up.. especially in side,hooking and roundhouse kicks.. this will improve your leg muscles and help make your kicks sharper.. as for height.. the higher you get your knee up.. the higher the kick!!
Also.. Ask Master Curt for help in this too!!! he's helped me out oooldes and im getting better at some of the kicks i was having problems with ealier.. (darn sidekick!!! hehehehe)

Hope this works..
p.s.. don't worry about not partaking in a chair kicking class yet... YellowBeltJeff hasn't taken on either.. but let me tell ya .. once you do... hahahahahahahahaha.. well i'll leave it at that..
See ya in class!!
thanks for the info eraser> see you on monday if you are there.