
Well, I have a swiss army knife key chain... It's probably sharper than those keys, and it can also clip my nails!

Legal tool? Even a firearm is a legal tool. Everyone should read their state laws. If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.

Anyway, back on topic, is this a joke? Security personnel have different, more effective weapons. However, the whole idea of defending yourself with keys is a new and interesting concept, and although I personally have no use for it, wouldn't mind seeing some schools incorporating more situational exercises for people who can't use their environment under pressure. :rofl:
Interessting - anybody tried it?

For me it looks a little unhandy. He shows it without other keys, and how would you hold it with a bunch of keys attached to the other end?

But upfront experience would be nice to hear about!

Give me a break, pressure point strikes, vital strikes,etc.etc. Yeah if you've had martial arts training, other than that it's a big dorky looking key that doesn't open anything. Besides if you have had training in the martial arts a pen or pencil works just as good, or wrap your keys around your hand, home made brass knuckles, and neither will cost you $14.95. Regular people should stick to pepper spray and tazers, don't take your chances with the big dorky key-do.

So are you guys saying a kuboton is useless also?
I have about 13 keys that I carry, and if I have that, it will take me a while to grasp onto it... And it will be a pain to walk around with and carry around your pocket, or loop around your belt.
I have all my keys on a carabiner... the carabiner is the perfect size to grip. Makes for a pretty wicked backfist.
In the state of Victoria, on the south east coast of Australia the Kubotan is an illegal weapon. But that's ok. I drive a car that has keyless entry, ie you push a button and the buttons in your car doors pop up. The actual key that comes with this model car is about 3 - 4 inches long... Who needs a kubotan?:)



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