Kenpo Sticks


Stick Dummy

I too lazy to do an archieve search tonight :D and thought I'd build on the recent thread

What type of sticks do Kenpo Stylists use for training as intermediate distance weapons?

How about lengths?

Some FMA styles prefer approx 26" lengths, some LOOOOOOONG 31" LENGTHS.

Rattan or bamboo?

Last - What do you practice your technique and delivery on ?

Heavy Bags, Tires, Ukes?

I KNOW for a fact Seig has a buncha Bamboo lying around to "Cane" slackers at his classes.......... :erg:

Currently using 28" rattan... haven't had much luck with hardwood-they seem to break and splinter on me. The composites are too slipery for me because they don't absorb sweat.

Thinking of switching to 26" for a change but not sure when I will get around to that. Anybody use 24" comparitively to 28"?

Originally posted by Stick Dummy
What type of sticks do Kenpo Stylists use for training as intermediate distance weapons?
How about lengths?

Pete, the unique thing about the "Kenpo Clubs" (Sticks) is that we tailor the sticks to the individual. The Length depends upon each persons arm length... you take your club and extend your 1st finger put the club to the end of your finger and then go to your elbow.... 1 1/2 beyond your elbow cut the club..... you now have a perfect fit for your personal Kenpo Clubs...

I prefer hard wood such as Rose Wood, Purple Heart, Iron Wood, Padauk or Oak, but others will do.

What do we practice on..... everything.... trees, old heavy bags, ex wives.. (just kidding), tires, an of course my favorite partner .... Ricardo Castillo or Gou Ronin.

This is the first time I ever measured the ones I play with and they are 22" long. I got them when I first started kenpo way back when and just bought them off the rack you might say.

Do you think they are too short?

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Pete, the unique thing about the "Kenpo Clubs" (Sticks) is that we tailor the sticks to the individual. The Length depends upon each persons arm length... you take your club and extend your 1st finger put the club to the end of your finger and then go to your elbow.... 1 1/2 beyond your elbow cut the club..... you now have a perfect fit for your personal Kenpo Clubs...

I prefer hard wood such as Rose Wood, Purple Heart, Iron Wood, Padauk or Oak, but others will do.

What do we practice on..... everything.... trees, old heavy bags, ex wives.. (just kidding), tires, an of course my favorite partner .... Ricardo Castillo or Gou Ronin.


Some of the old timer FMA in the PI would cut
rattan to the person's personal length. The length
was to fit up your sleeve or to be able to be
carried in your palm tucked along your arm
and under your underarm.

As it is tailored to the individual this is good
for the individual if they have a good basic set
of fundamentals.

If all sticks are the same size for beginners then
the distancing is the same between the two
practicing together. This avoids the 22" versus
the 32" and one having to fight long while the
other short. This is good for people who have
their fundamentals but for the beginners it might
be better to comprehend the concepts being taught
if they distance is the same or close for both.

Just my opinion. :D


Originally posted by Rich Parsons

If all sticks are the same size for beginners then
the distancing is the same between the two
practicing together. This avoids the 22" versus
the 32" and one having to fight long while the
other short. This is good for people who have
their fundamentals but for the beginners it might
be better to comprehend the concepts being taught
if they distance is the same or close for both.

Just my opinion. :D



Only if their arms and legs are the same length.

This is the first time I ever measured the ones I play with and they are 22" long. I got them when I first started kenpo way back when and just bought them off the rack you might say.

Depends on what you are doing and how you are doing it. For chokes and butte strikes possible so. If 2 inches are left from hand placement down that only leaves 15 or so inches to the tip. Ever get knuckle busters?

Wow thanks for the replies!

Its interesting to see the variation.

How about diameter of the sticks/clubs?

GD7 - sounds a lot like fitting Tonfas back when I did them.

VERY NICE selections for wood, you have been around.

My personal favorite hardwood for weapons is African Bubinga which is a blood red orange color.

Seigs seen it on my Training Machetes, Tom Kier custom Kerambit, and Kimber Classic, I think last week Norm Abrams made a set of Bubinga headed croquet mallets (Hey now that may have disguised MA potential)


KnuckleBusters? I am a member of the exclusive "Club E.R.":erg:
Seigs seen a little bit of my Stick Dummy decoration from time to time.
Normally we wear La Crosse gloves for glove sparring and FC bouts. Oh and did I mention welded mesh steel helmets??


Thanks I use 26" and so far "paired" sizes works well for my limited training and experience, still learning closing, distancing and bobbing the hard way.

I took a 25 pence broom handle and sawed it in half, still using my two halves after 5 years! I spray painted them black with the end of a can of spray paint, then added a double ring of red electrical tape a little way up to remind me not to hold them at the end.

Also, if you want some metal ones, go get one of those crappy little fold away tripod stool things they're selling in all the everything-for-a-pound shops and a rip a couple of the legs off, perfect length.


and since we're into pictures at the moment...old faithful! :


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Originally posted by Stick Dummy
My personal favorite hardwood for weapons is African Bubinga which is a blood red orange color.

I have not seen those....... I want some by the sound of it!!!

Diameter of clubs is again fit to the hand but usual is about 1" to 1 1/2" my personal is 1 1/4".

:wah: I want some African Bubingas now...............:wah:

:asian: :wah:
KnuckleBusters? I am a member of the exclusive "Club E.R." Normally we wear La Crosse gloves for glove sparring and FC bouts. Oh and did I mention welded mesh steel helmets??

At least you are not wearing the famous screen doors of Dog Brother fame. Gotta respect those guys "higher consciousness through harder contact". Works for me.

My instructor used to spar with Eric Knause pretty regularly in pre-Dog Brothers daze (oops) days from my understanding.

After a couple Punyos from him, I undestand EXACTLY why they went to welded mesh.................

GD7 - Let me know when you're coming up to work with Seigs school, and I'll try to accomodate you with the Bubinga sticks, 26" x 1 1/4" diameter sound OK?
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Pete, the unique thing about the "Kenpo Clubs" (Sticks) is that we tailor the sticks to the individual. The Length depends upon each persons arm length... you take your club and extend your 1st finger put the club to the end of your finger and then go to your elbow.... 1 1/2 beyond your elbow cut the club..... you now have a perfect fit for your personal Kenpo Clubs...

I prefer hard wood such as Rose Wood, Purple Heart, Iron Wood, Padauk or Oak, but others will do.

What do we practice on..... everything.... trees, old heavy bags, ex wives.. (just kidding), tires, an of course my favorite partner .... Ricardo Castillo or Gou Ronin.


Hey, I saw that!

It's no wonder I always feel like I've been beaten when I get up. Now I know.:eek:
Originally posted by Stick Dummy

My instructor used to spar with Eric Knause pretty regularly in pre-Dog Brothers daze (oops) days from my understanding.

After a couple Punyos from him, I undestand EXACTLY why they went to welded mesh.................

GD7 - Let me know when you're coming up to work with Seigs school, and I'll try to accomodate you with the Bubinga sticks, 26" x 1 1/4" diameter sound OK?

Sure you wanna do that?

Not a good career choice!

Wear that cup!

BTW, do look for them big Scorpions from Arizona he likes to bring along as "Party Favors." You might see one, or two wandering around after he's gone!:eek:
Originally posted by Rainman

At least you are not wearing the famous screen doors of Dog Brother fame. Gotta respect those guys "higher consciousness through harder contact". Works for me.


How does one perceive "Higher Conciousness", when they're in a coma? Interested parties would like to know!:confused:
Originally posted by Stick Dummy

...Bubinga sticks, 26" x 1 1/4" diameter sound OK?

Oh man, I want a pair of those. I like the big heavy sticks and bubinga is considerably heavier than rattan. It is a really nice looking wood too, naturally a deep redish/purplish color if I recall correctly.

When I worked in a cabinet shop we used to make butcher block style (laminated rock maple/ippee er spelling...) sticks that were glued up with tight bond II and turned on a lathe. Nice heavy, great looking sticks, comprable in weight to a police baton and real hard. Eventually the beatings would crack them along the seams. Were fun to make though :)


They're specifically for use on YOU Mastah Castillo :rofl:

You see, I was born in Ft. Defiance, AZ. and me n' GD7 have this secret Navaho reservation bond............

Ask Seig, when I'm around martial artists they are NEVER the same again.

They step funny, use Live Hands:duel:, and carry gear bags that go CLUNK when they're put down. and if they are single they get the Babes :ladysman: :jedi1:
Originally posted by Stick Dummy


They're specifically for use on YOU Mastah Castillo :rofl:

You see, I was born in Ft. Defiance, AZ. and me n' GD7 have this secret Navaho reservation bond............

Ask Seig, when I'm around martial artists they are NEVER the same again.

They step funny, use Live Hands:duel:, and carry gear bags that go CLUNK when they're put down. and if they are single they get the Babes :ladysman: :jedi1:

Ouch!!!(Red Welts)

Ft. Defiance? That says alot.I know I'm in trouble now.

You have a bond with that transplanted Irishman from Colorado?

Hmmm, better withdraw, and come up with a new game plan.:apv:
Originally posted by RCastillo

BTW, do look for them big Scorpions from Arizona he likes to bring along as "Party Favors." You might see one, or two wandering around after he's gone!:eek:

*Looking up a defense against Dennis's Party Favor Scorpions.. hmmm . methinks this would be an appropriate one. .'Leap of Death'.. yeppers.. woohooo.. Can't wait ~! *snickers*

Hey Pete.. you wanna get me a stick to use on Seig.. he's into 'poking' me with his pointy hard finger .. Something I can slide up my sleeve would work.. hahaha..

Alot of our students have shown great interest in weapons .. from Bo's to nunchuks and sticks~ I guess you've sparked them~! :samurai:

I have a nice little piece of solid LEXAN 1 1/4" diameter x 18" long that should just about do the trick........:erg:

Keep'em "waltzing" till Thursday oh-tay?

Get the feet moving and the rest follows. :D one - twothree one-twothree