What was the kanji he used for tote? Where did you find it?
It's the same one used for toudi. Funakoshi explained in his works that tote didn't go over too well in Japan, due to their xenophobia at the time. Hence, the changing of the kanji.
Toudi/tote, it's the same. I repeat my question:
No, toudi is Uchinaaguchi and tote is Japanese. The kanji is the same for both.

And once again, Funakoshi explained this in his works when he spoke of the transition from tote (the Japanese word) to the karate, and even mentions the kanji.
No, toudi is Uchinaaguchi and tote is Japanese. The kanji is the same for both
Since toudi is Uchinaguchi, wouldn't it be written in katagana rather than kanji since it would be a foreign word in Jappanese?
Since toudi is Uchinaguchi, wouldn't it be written in katagana rather than kanji since it would be a foreign word in Jappanese?
No. Tote wouldn't be a foreign word, because it's translated. If it was kept as toudi, then it might be written in katakana. And I use the word "might," because the Japanese government refuses to recognize Uchinaaguchi as its own language. They consider it a dialect of Japanese (despite the two languages not being mutually intelligible).