Just Restitution or Modern Day Slavery?

We did the treadmill thing, without generators obviously, in the Workhouses of the Victorian era. Not sure if they were used in prisions, I'll have to research it.

I concur with the terminology suggested by Kenpo above, altho, to an extent, the semantics of what we call it amongst ourselves are not really an issue.

I still maintain that, whilst it 'feels' like a great idea, as soon as a legitimate job opportunity for a non-felon is lost then that slippery slope begins to make itself felt. Putting aside the moral issues and addressing only the tangible, if indentured 'free' labour is available then private enterprise will make use of that rather than paying for workers.

Even keeping the tasks focussed on providing for themselves has an impact on the economy outside of the prison system as it reduces aggregate demand for whatever goods and services are no longer being brought in. If that lead to a reduction in tax burden of course then perhaps that is not so much of an issue.

You might be right, but then either way it is a net financial loss for society. I think that you might be much better off having the prisoners fend for themselves and do the crap work of society, and give the opportunity (whether by choice, or the fact that those types of jobs are unavailable) for the non-felon to pursue a more rewarding career.

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