Judo and MMA


Master of Arts
Feb 12, 2007
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I wanted to post some cool clips of MMA fighters using Judo.

This is actually a Japanese Jujutsu with Brazilian Jujutsu.

Comparing Kubi Shime:

Seoi-Nagi(I think he meant Nage)

Seoi Otoshi

Just some cool Judo clips used for MMA.

I would like to see more Judo throws in MMA events I always think when clinching why I don't see it.

I do see these:

That one I don't see as graceful as Mike Swain(He is real good)

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OH MAN :headbangin::boing1::highfive:.. THANK YOU :asian: THANK YOU :asian: THANK YOU. :asian:

You just gave me an excuse to post this again Satoko Shinashi trained in Judo and Sambo and fighting in MMA


I should also add those are nice videos, I especially liked the last one in your post
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See the instruction series by Karo Parisiyan here:
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She is great!!

What I really enjoy is the clear execution of the technqiues.

I saw Seoi nage,Seoi Otoshi,I think she did Osoto Guruma.

Good stuff!!

Oh ya Karo's stuff is great!!
OH MAN :headbangin::boing1::highfive:.. THANK YOU :asian: THANK YOU :asian: THANK YOU. :asian:

You just gave me an excuse to post this again Satoko Shinashi trained in Judo and Sambo and fighting in MMA


I should also add those are nice videos, I especially liked the last one in your post
That may have been the most sickeningly sweet......yet simultaneously MOST AWESOME THING I HAVE EVER SEEN! :headbangin: