Journalists outed as elitist jerks?


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Check out this new James O'keefe video, the guy who took down ACORN and see what the elites have to say about information:

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Elitism in journalism is no surprise.

I appreciate that you are making a specific partisan point on US politics which I cannot comment on and but in the UK unfortunately there is horrendous elitist support AND manipulation/spin on BOTH sides of the political fence.
I just wonder if the guy had to change his phone number since they didnt blur it out.. lol As for the report itself it didnt tell me anything I didnt alredy know. There was a study done a few years ago i read that showed reporters were mosly democrats and held mostly left wing ideas I dont remember the facts but it was something like 3 to 1 dems and I the story said it had to do with the type of person that is drawn to that field. Kinda like most people that become police officers tend to be more on the right in political leanings.
I do believe I heard about news paper writes being left oriented.

However, currently I would not dare to call any of them journalists or reporters. :)
Elitism in journalism pfhhht.... I suppose next you will want me to believe is that Politicians lie
Only democrat politicians.:)

I always think it's funny when these guys get behind closed doors and actually admit what everyone already knows. I listen to a radio host Hugh Hewitt, and whenever he has a journalist on pushing a new book or doing an extended interview on one of their columns he always asks some basic questions. Do you own a gun? Do you go to church? Did you vote for a democrat or a republican in the last election? The reporters for the most part always refuse to answer claiming that they don't have to reveal those things because they are always "objective" about the stories they do. Their denials of their life styles that impact how they see the world is always enlightening.

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