Joint S. Korea U.S. Naval Exercises in photos

Very cool pictures.

Interestingly, the destroyer in the eighth picture down is named after Gen. Choi Young, who also happens to be the namesake of the 18th ITF pattern. Choi Young was a general in the Koryo dynasty of the 14th century.


This how the cycle works. NK needs money or oil or rice and fires something off (surprising that they actually hit something this time), they we rattle our sword, give them rice and it is quiet for a few more months. It happens every year or two.

Photos are awesome, looks like they are all PA Photos from the military.
I agree, tense times over there that could get much warmer than we would like all too quickly. Look at the expression on this chaps face:


Nice to see some naval photography, however! Also, crikey, Prowler's are still in service!!
I agree, tense times over there that could get much warmer than we would like all too quickly. Look at the expression on this chaps face:
It wouldn't be surprising at all if the tension/animosity is towards a cousin or even brother who defected successfully to the other side and they just HAPPEN to be stationed on opposite sides of the fence. How's THAT for a photo op?

Be even better if they were embracing while still on their side of the fence. :D

Or it's just plain resentment on the NK's face that the chap he's looking at is on the other side.

Yeah, things CAN heat up very quickly there.
The way I see it N. Korea is like a young kid who wants to be a bully and has his big brother (China) to back him up... only big brother is now older and wiser and realizes that if little brother starts some crap then the bigger boys on the block is going to kick little brother's *** severely and big brother will either have to back off or get into the fray.

There's supposed to be a remake of Red Dawn where instead of Cuban auxiliaries, they'll be N. Korean.

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