Jeff Speakman......Kenpo Movies


Senior Master
Ok my Kenpo friends, I got to see 'The Perfect Weapon' for the first time not to long ago, thanks to the Persuasive Powers of Chad and Jason!

I loved it, this is the first time I have seem Kenpo in action, very cool!

So now can I have some more Titles of Jeff Speakman movies, or any other movies that have good example of American Kenpo!

Street Knight and White Knight I think and there were a couple of other even worse low budget movies.

Unfortunately each movie gets worse than the previous. The perfect weapon was his best. In my opinion.
Funny you should ask about Mr. Speakman's movies today, because I checked the Internet Movie Database (I had fogotten the name of one of his films),and it turns out today is his birthday too--Happy Birthday, Mr. S! :)

Getting back to your question - as Mr. Farnsworth said, most of Mr. Speakman's movies aren't that hot as far as script and character development are concerned, and I also agree with him that The Perfect Weapon was the best. Street Knight, The Expert, Deadly Outbreak and Hot Boyz all have some Kenpo in them, but not as much as Perfect Weapon, and, unfortunately, when I rented them (or saw them on Cable), I just wanted to "fast forward" to the fight scenes.....

There are some actual Kenpo instructors* & students in his latest movie, The Gunman [in the opening credits]. It was an independent film made in Texas and I with some of my fellow students & some of the Kenpo black belts from TX got to be extras & meet Mr. Speakman. It was an interesting experience, but I would recommend that you rent it on DVD (don't buy it). If you want to see his other movies, I also recommend renting them first. I'm not trying to be mean, just honest...

Gin-Gin :asian:

*P.S.--I don't mean to imply that other "actual instructors" weren't in his previous movies - if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Bryan Hawkins & Mr. Bob Liles were in at least one of them, and one of Mr. Gil Hibben's knives was featured in Plato's Run.
Touch'O'Death said:
We musn't forget "Running Red". :)
I didn't see that one--is that the one where he had a beard & played his own twin? Was it better or worse than the other movies mentioned? (Or should I not ask....)
Y'all forgot "Escape from Atlantis" or maybe you just blocked it, cause boy did it suck.

Yes there was, about 5 seconds of it, when Speakman fights the main badguy, but was pretty slappy with Speakman doing weird spins and stuff.

I know Jim Diggs was in The Perfect Weapon, he was the one that gets stabbed in the knee in the warehouse scene.
Okay let me take stock of what I have:
Perfect Weapon VHS "I wonder if I could kick you A$$"
Street Knight VHS Leaping Crane and Thundering Wrenches
The Expert VHS Can you say Ginsu?
Running Red VHS AND DVD Judo Gene LaBelle
Land of the Free VHS "You forgot your bulletproof cup"
Hollywood1340 said:
Okay let me take stock of what I have:
Perfect Weapon VHS "I wonder if I could kick you A$$"
Street Knight VHS Leaping Crane and Thundering Wrenches
The Expert VHS Can you say Ginsu?
Running Red VHS AND DVD Judo Gene LaBelle
Land of the Free VHS "You forgot your bulletproof cup"
For Perfect Weapon, you forgot: "It's not one of those hippie schools, is it?" :lol: :lol: :rofl:
So many good ones in that one!
I have a half finished review on my website. Here are some gems:
"Jeff's father is a police officer and former military man but he can't his control little ten year old after his wife dies. Again proving that women are superior. He's speaking to Kim as this all happens, and Jeff sneaks down the stairs, along with his little brother, Adam, to listen. So this police officer and military man can't control his own son. Um...why? What does Jeff have his father does not? His own personal army of gremlins or something? A flame thrower prehaps?"
"We then cut back to Jeff driving his 'Stang and see his old high school in the distance. This brings back another memory. My question is how can he be driving safely if he keeps having these flashbacks"
"Jeff ends his martial training as well and becomes a drifter. I can just see him at a job interview. "And what's your current employment?" "I'm self-employed" "You own your own business?" "No, I'm a professional drifter"
"At this point in the film we are re-introduced to Jeff's brother, now a cop. He requests to be put on the case because "Kim was family to me too". Seems like that would cloud his judgment, but he's allowed on the case. Jeff and Adam meet with those classic lines "Jeff?" "Adam." At this juncture we have a classic case of right and wrong. Not so much right and wrong as testosterone fueled karate rampage vs. the "right and lawful" way to it."
Jeff heads for the Croc Pit club, a neon dungeon, with live crocodiles and many Koreans dressed like 40's gangsters. Jeff sidles up to the bar and asks the man drinking there, "HavenÂ’t I seen you somewhere before?" The bouncer interrupts before the man can answer, but let the Kenpo begin!!
"Now, as you know, I don't practice EPAK, so I can't sit here and give you a blow-by-blow account of what happens next. I know someone who could, but we not talking all that much anymore and...Anywho. All I can say is and I quote "Kenpo and our famous neck snaps".

Which was the one where he, in the end, had to break into the prison spec ops style and take out the main bad guy, who was on death row and trying to break out?
OUMoose said:
Which was the one where he, in the end, had to break into the prison spec ops style and take out the main bad guy, who was on death row and trying to break out?
That was The Expert. Speakman's character broke into the prison to kill the guy who had raped & murdered his sister & got off with the "Insanity" defense & was going to be transported to a mental hospital the next day....
Stay away from Hot Boys, it is pure unadlterated trash. I am embarassed to have Kenpo even remotely assosciated with it.
Could it be wqorse that "Escape from Atlantis" the mis mosh of parenting issues, Unicorns, Dwarfs, Salty Sailors, Satyrs and Kenpo?
