James S. Benko


Green Belt
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
I came across Grandmaster Benko while researching Korean weapons training. Does anyone know anything about him or if his DVDS are worth getting?
I came across Grandmaster Benko while researching Korean weapons training. Does anyone know anything about him or if his DVDS are worth getting?

I'd would do some heavy research on him if I were you. His background is suspect. He claims to be one of the only "non-asian" highest ranked masters, he claims to have learned his HKD from GM Won Soo Kim who he claims was the first assistant under GM Choi, Young-sool.

So before investing any money I would do some thorough checking.
On July 9, 1974 Grand Master Benko founded the International TaeKwon-Do Association™. Benko is also the president and founder of the following organizations:
You have to ask yourself this question; Why so many organizations?
I would echo Jeremy's comments and do research on this individual as I've heard more bad than good, but none of that was first hand.
Benko, now thats a name i havent heard in awhile.
As far as TKD,HKD, and weapons, he knows what he's doing. His TKD is old school ITF, and he was with the ITF and General Choi at one time. I have heard that he was suppose to run the USTF when it was started, but that went to Chuck Serreff, and Benko started his own orgs.

His weapons program comes from a blend of Korean and Okinawan weapons that he put together in a more structured way.

Hope this help's