It's Officially OK...


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN


Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
Jun 10, 2004
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Is 4 years some magic number? While part of me recognizes that the country needs to move past the 9/11 tragedy it seems a bit repulsive to turn it into a source of profit for the media. Perhaps if they were willing to donate all money to survivor funds and what not it wouldnt be as bad.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
dubljay said:
Is 4 years some magic number? While part of me recognizes that the country needs to move past the 9/11 tragedy it seems a bit repulsive to turn it into a source of profit for the media. Perhaps if they were willing to donate all money to survivor funds and what not it wouldnt be as bad.
I agree with that one. Entire lives were wrecked by the loss of the victims and the people that tried to save them. Their familes, while probably compensated by various insurance policies, donations and so forth are probably still feeling the loss sustained on that terrible day. Perhaps the biggest compensation is seeing those ultimately responsible for the attacks caught and brought to justice ... PUBLIC justice.
Funds made for profit should go to the victims' families. We're going to see posters, movies, books and what nots (we are to this day). I agree that no-one should be making a profit over this event. I'm somewhat surprised that there haven't been any jokes/cartoons/parody's of this event, at least none that I've seen. Hopefully there'll never will be.

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
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Jan 26, 2005
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arnisador said:
They darn well better do it well and respectfully. I lost a fellow artist (DM2 Michael Allen Noeth, USN), so full of passion and life, in the attacks on the Pentagon and I would be very offended by any profiteering over the events of 9/11. While medically ineligible for the armed forces, I spent four years as a uniformed volunteer for the U.S. Coast Guard standing watches and patrolling ports as a result of what happened that day. I REFUSE to watch or support anything that commercializes that tragedy. Better men and women than myself died on that day.

It may be four years ago next month, but to me it was yesterday. To say that this is a touchy subject with me would be putting it mildly.


Black Belt
Apr 11, 2004
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I'm kinda ambivalent about this subject. Obviously no one should be cashing in on the 9/11 tragedy, but then again, can't the same reasoning apply to WWII or Vietnam movies? Mass media recreations are one way a society remembers events, and I think it would look bizarre if in 20 years my kids ask me "Dad, what happened on 9/11?" and all I can show them is the 9/11 Commission Report.

Granted that I don't want to see Harvey Keitel making several million dollars recreating an event where thousands of lives were lost, but can he and other media people really be expected not to see a single dollar (or at least a significant wage) for recreating these events?


I guess the four year bottom feeder release program is now in effect.


May 17, 2004
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The Canuckistan Plains
It seems to me this might be a pretty risky project. The fact is, capitalism dictates that the only way the popular media is going to touch this topic is if they can turn a profit. But, people need to see it if they are going to make any money. It seems to me a number of people will probably refuse to see it either because it stirs up bad memories, or they disagree philosophically with the exercise of re-creating the story.


Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
Jun 10, 2004
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Flatlander said:
It seems to me a number of people will probably refuse to see it either because it stirs up bad memories, or they disagree philosophically with the exercise of re-creating the story.
Yes I can see that many people (myself included) would refuse to watch it. This is kind of like the series on FX called Over*There about the currnet war in Iraq. I know tv shows and movies have been made of every war we have been in... but while we still have soldiers in harms way? Seems to show a lack of respect for them.


Brown Belt
Jul 6, 2005
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Loki said:
...Obviously no one should be cashing in on the 9/11 tragedy, but then again, can't the same reasoning apply to WWII or Vietnam movies? Mass media recreations are one way a society remembers events...
I think that it is ok for them to go ahead and make their movies; however, no corporation makes any move that is not motivated by the bottom line. You know that the board of directors has certainly held meetings on this topic? Of course they have. Does anyone really think that the decision making process was governed by anything other than the sincere desire to turn a profit? That is what is most offensive. How much money is enough for one corporation? Is there a tragedy that they would refrain from exploiting for the sake of profit/capital gains?

The difference between exploiting and memorializing is in the intentions and the profit and what is done with the profit.

If they want to make this film then they absolutely should donate ALL of the profit to the victims and families of victims, but they won't...ever.

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jan 26, 2005
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dubljay said:
Yes I can see that many people (myself included) would refuse to watch it. This is kind of like the series on FX called Over*There about the currnet war in Iraq. I know tv shows and movies have been made of every war we have been in... but while we still have soldiers in harms way? Seems to show a lack of respect for them.
I agree. 9/11 is still such an emotional issue. I cannot watch clips of those planes hitting the Towers without tearing up. Everything to me is now before and after 9/11. I think of 9/11 as ending America's "Belle Epoque" - the period from the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, when everything seemed possible, to the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

As to the show about the Iraq war, I have avoided it for the same reason. During the invasion in March 2003, I was serving as an AODO (Assistant Operations Duty Officer) at a Coast Guard Air Station. We saw a reserve PSU unit off to the war. By the grace of God they all returned, but I would have traded much to have been able to go with them (and this from someone who would have preferred that we had not invaded). I will not watch that show, no matter how good it is and no matter how respectfully it treats our Iraq VFW's. It just strikes me wrong.

To the MT member who wrote their own 9/11 experience under the reputation function - thank you both for your comments and service as a paramedic on that day. There is still so much pain associated with that day. I think that I am not the only person who it has taken four years to be able to talk or write about it.

To speak the truth, I was at a video rental store the other day and there was a DVD about 9/11 and the Towers and the Pentagon. Just seeing the cover hurt more than full powered a sidekick to the solar plexus.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
Jonathan Randall said:
I agree. 9/11 is still such an emotional issue. I cannot watch clips of those planes hitting the Towers without tearing up. Everything to me is now before and after 9/11. I think of 9/11 as ending America's "Belle Epoque" - the period from the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, when everything seemed possible, to the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

To speak the truth, I was at a video rental store the other day and there was a DVD about 9/11 and the Towers and the Pentagon. Just seeing the cover hurt more than full powered a sidekick to the solar plexus.
This is why, while 9/11 should be examined that it should not be a made for profit venture. They didn't with Pearl Harbor after WWII (except for Time/Life photo books) and they shouldn't now with 9/11. It's still too painful over the loss.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Jonathan Randall said:
While medically ineligible for the armed forces, I spent four years as a uniformed volunteer for the U.S. Coast Guard (D11N, Div. 3, Fl-35), standing watches and patrolling ports.
How does this work? Is it the Auxiliary?


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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I forsee that the support for the "War on Terra" suddenly increases after the release of this program. :rolleyes:

I also am sincerely interested in whether the Pentagon fronted any money to this series. They have for other major media events...movies.

My concern over this, is that 9/11 will become an even bigger peice of political propaganda because of this. This not only disrespects the victims and their families, but it misleads us by playing on our fears.

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jan 26, 2005
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arnisador said:
How does this work? Is it the Auxiliary?
Yes. Auxiliarists can serve at Coast Guard Stations (in uniform) and on Coast Guard vessels in non-combat and non-LE roles. After 9/11 I went on patrol four hours in the morning before work and, later, I was able to serve at a local station. It's a great program for those who want to serve. I've averaged several hundred volunteer hours a year since Sept. 11.

There is a significant training commitment if you want to be able to do everything, though. I logged 434 hours in class (and study) and on boat crew training patrols before I had all of my "paperwork" necessary to stand watches and serve as a crew member.

I've met some really great people while volunteering for the Coast Guard and I am very proud and honored to wear their uniform.

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