Iron Mike Tyson In K-1

I haven't heard much in the last couple weeks. The last I heard ( a couple weeks back, I guess), they were talking about this on PTI (on ESPN) and it was reported he said he preferred Sapp, and the final details and a date were looking to be worked out. They also said that most likely the fight would be under boxing rules, but that it was possible that might change. Don't worry - when this potential bout gets close, Mike's people will crank the PR machine to full blast.
Tyson will fight because he's broke and can't compete with top level boxers anymore.
Originally posted by redfang
Tyson will fight because he's broke and can't compete with top level boxers anymore.

That is exactly what I was going to say. But you know what. If it goes down the ticket sales will be through the roof, and I know I will be watching it on PPV just to see what goes down. Not a bad move on K1's part at all.
i used to be a big tyson fan until he started all that crap. once he went to jail, he wasn't the same when he got out. i wish the best for him, but i think his time has passed. he is just grasping at straws now:(
Originally posted by pknox
They also said that most likely the fight would be under boxing rules, but that it was possible that might change.

Why would K-1 host a fight under western boxing rules, as opposed to their usual K-1 kickboxing rules? That would seem just a bit odd to me.
Originally posted by Zepp
Why would K-1 host a fight under western boxing rules, as opposed to their usual K-1 kickboxing rules? That would seem just a bit odd to me.

I'm not sure either -- but possibly to entice other boxers to join in. It's also conceivable that Tyson would only agree to fight if he had a hand in selecting what rules were to be followed.
I read about the signing on the K-1 website when it happened, and if I recal correctly he will be fighting K-1 rules.
I could be wrong however.

Originally posted by 7starmantis
I read about the signing on the K-1 website when it happened, and if I recal correctly he will be fighting K-1 rules.
I could be wrong however.


I believe you are correct. Originally, though, there was some talk about having the fight under standard boxing rules.
If K-1 gets Tyson to fight in their event, it will be HUGE publicity for K-1. I don't see how this is a publicity stunt on Tyson's part. The publicity will benefit K-1 more than anybody else. Think about how many boxing fans would watch the event just for the Tyson fight. How many new fans might this bring to the K-1? The potential is huge. I hope it comes off.

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