Information on Dr. Gyi???

tradrockrat said:
- Please realize that the founder of one of those sites about his military history is a disgruntled former member of the ABA
Hmmm...I know that one of the people that has been supplying the owner of with information is obviously a disgruntled ABA member and pretty much states as much. However I dont believe the owner of that site has any martial arts connection..could be wrong I admit. But Gyi is but one person among MANY that this site addresses. As a matter of fact THIS GUY appears to be tops of their most wanted list. I dont see there being some personal vendetta there.
thanks for the insight Trad. always good to have more first person views when it comes to addressing controversial topics. and to you as well Mr. Hartman.

Tgace - if you were to go to a seminar and ask questions, you'll be asked to leave. There would be no discussion. I say this from a previous experience when Doc was coming out to California to teach a Kukri seminar at Sifu Inosanto's Academy. My friend and member of the ABA was in charge of putting together a kukri drill team to open and close the seminar. I helped train those guys, and my friend informed me that Gyi "requested" that no questions other than questions about the Kukri and its uses be allowed. The implication was clear.

As for the owner thing, you may very well be right, but when I emailed that site with a question, it was answered by Chuck Schantag - a former member of the ABA, and he wrote as if he was involved in the site. But yes, the site is CLEARLY dedicated to phoney POW's, not Gyi.

Sapper6 - Thanks.
Yeah that was the guy who answered my e-mails as well. Perhaps his experiences with Gyi is what spurred him on to start that site. Its a shame Mr. Gyi wont talk about it. If the invitation was legitimate I would have no problem interviewing the man. I am used to asking people tough and sometimes embarrassing questions face to face. It comes with the job.

Whats your opinion on trying to separate the man from the art? Should this stuff influence your decision to learn from /train with him?

BTW. Excellent firsthand input.

If you’re serious give a call and we can arrange something. If not don’t waste my time.

T Hartman said:

If you’re serious give a call and we can arrange something. If not don’t waste my time.

Check your PM's.
To be continued.....

Mr. Hartman
Tgace said:
I am used to asking people tough and sometimes embarrassing questions face to face. It comes with the job.

Whats your opinion on trying to separate the man from the art? Should this stuff influence your decision to learn from /train with him?

BTW. Excellent firsthand input.
I take it by your avatar that you're a L.E.O.? If so, I know what you mean, my wife says the same thing.:)

As for the training with him, I can't stomach the idea of belonging to the ABA anymore. It's MAIN REASON FOR EXISTING is to honor combat veterans. If Gyi is lying, I can't be part of that. However, there is simply no way anyone who has ever trained with him could say that he isn't an incredible teacher. I personally chose not to go to his seminars, but I don't hold it against anyone who does. There is much to be learned at them.

BTW thanks.
tradrockrat said:
I take it by your avatar that you're a L.E.O.? If so, I know what you mean, my wife says the same thing.:)

As for the training with him, I can't stomach the idea of belonging to the ABA anymore. It's MAIN REASON FOR EXISTING is to honor combat veterans. If Gyi is lying, I can't be part of that. However, there is simply no way anyone who has ever trained with him could say that he isn't an incredible teacher. I personally chose not to go to his seminars, but I don't hold it against anyone who does. There is much to be learned at them.

BTW thanks.
Good choice. Guilty by association. It isn't fair, but it is true.
RickRed said:
What does that mean? Are you going to post anything from the discussion?
I will just say that Mr. hartman appears to be true to his word regarding his invitation. I believe he will do what he can, however he is only hosting Mr. Gyi and can only offer so much. But I do believe his offer is genuine if all else works out.
I have real issues with Gyi over the misrepresentation of his military experience...particularly the claims that he makes about his supposed Marine Corps service. I won't train with him any more as a result.

That said, he's a good martial artist and a very good teacher, and I've told my students they're free to train with him. His stuff is functional and direct. His knife program is very good, and I like the kukri methods he taught...whether they were Gurkha methods or not doesn't really matter to me.

As has been pointed out, others of noted reputation seem to agree his stuff is worth studying.



I recently made a public offer to Tgace (Sergeant Tom Gerace) to come and check out the Dr Gyi seminar. Based on his demeanor on this thread, private message and phone call, I have no choice but to rescind my offer. It is clear to me that this respectful Q&A will digress into an unwarranted "third degree" interrogation. After asking me if the offer was still on the table, Tom sent me his list of conditions and demands including asking Dr. Gyi for photo ID.

I have several problems with this:

I don’t feel that Tom has the right to demand anything. This was MY offer, and if anyone is going to set any rules and conditions it should be up to me as the host. My seminar features Dr. Gyi as a martial artist, not as a war veteran. I have no intention of subjecting any of my guests to any form of interrogation, which is his intent. This would ruin my
reputation among guest instructors as a seminar host.

I have no problem with TGace wanting to get to the bottom of things, but it won’t be done at my expense.

T Hartman said:

I recently made a public offer to Tgace (Sergeant Tom Gerace) to come and check out the Dr Gyi seminar. Based on his demeanor on this thread, private message and phone call, I have no choice but to rescind my offer. It is clear to me that this respectful Q&A will digress into an unwarranted "third degree" interrogation. After asking me if the offer was still on the table, Tom sent me his list of conditions and demands including asking Dr. Gyi for photo ID.

I have several problems with this:

I don’t feel that Tom has the right to demand anything. This was MY offer, and if anyone is going to set any rules and conditions it should be up to me as the host. My seminar features Dr. Gyi as a martial artist, not as a war veteran. I have no intention of subjecting any of my guests to any form of interrogation, which is his intent. This would ruin my
reputation among guest instructors as a seminar host.

I have no problem with TGace wanting to get to the bottom of things, but it won’t be done at my expense.

Somehow Im not surprised. :shrug:

Mr. Hartman, instead of being secretive I told you straight out and openly what my intentions were (getting the military issue figured out first hand) and was forthcoming about my approach. Yes I was going to ask for (not demand) ID from Mr. Gyi because his age is a large part of the issue and that would lay a foundation for all the other claims around WWII. Asking isnt demanding. I also wanted to bring a witness so what was asked and answered could not be disputed. You seemed to have had an issue with that as well.

As I recall you initially asked me how "I wanted" to do this and I told you that it "was your house, your rules". My main concern was that Mr. Gyi was aware I was offered this interview and that he was willing to speak to me. Anybody following this thread could figure out what questions I was goingto ask. Did you expect me to "softball" the issue? When I hung up the ball was in your court. I left it open to any "conditions" you wanted to set. Instead of calling me back with your plan/conditions for me to accept or refuse (and that could have ended this whole thing...that would have been a better strategy for you there Tim), you post this.

To be blunt, Im guessing either a) you didnt have the nerve to bring this up to Mr. Gyi. b) You did and he refused. or c) The whole offer was just an attempt to stiffle my contributions to this thread.

I thought the whole intent of your offer was for me to speak to the man first hand.
Either way...
Dr. Gyi would be very offended if asked for ID, I'm sure. It's really him.

He showed me his martial arts photo and clippings collection once--it's amazing where he's been and what he's done in the arts. I wish it were as simple as him being all in the right, but I know it's not that simple.

Still, I wish I could make the seminar. I might think twice about being in his org., but for one-off seminars, I'll take all the knowledge I can get--and he's the real deal where martial arts knowledge is concerned.
arnisador said:
Dr. Gyi would be very offended if asked for ID, I'm sure. It's really him.
So if he were politely asked "Mr. Gyi. As you are aware, some people dispute your WWII combat claims based on your age during that time. Would you be willing to show me some form of identification with your DOB on it to put those claims to rest?" He would be "offended"?