Indonesian MA

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I have heard of these styles but I dont know if these are only rumors because I have never met a person with these styles: suci hati, cikalong
Originally posted by disciple
I have heard of these styles but I dont know if these are only rumors because I have never met a person with these styles: suci hati, cikalong

A web search shows that they're valid:

Suci Hati:

Most of the suci hati documents were in foreign languages (Dutch?). I also turned up this article on the meaning of Pencak Silat which I found interesting. Sorry, I know nothing more about these styles nor anyone who practcies them.

Just join the forum... greetings to everybody here...

Cikalong is one of classic Pencak Silat from west Java, along with Cimande... yet, as happened to many other classic styles, it's hard to find the original Cikalong since many school claim to be 'the true' or at least the authorized successor of it.

As for suci hati, I'm afraid I'm not well informed. Too many style use the same/similar name. And both 'suci' and 'hati' are quite common in naming styles.
Welcome to the board! Please, if you have a background in Indonesian martial arts, please share what you can!

Originally posted by Yudha Perwira

Cikalong is one of classic Pencak Silat from west Java

Is there a rule to the regional variation in Indonesia, like in the Chinese arts where one hears Northern styles use more kicks, Southern styles more hands, etc.?
I am afraid I cannot share much in the well structured way as many of you use to do here. Indonesia is full of styles which most are still being taught traditionally (not to mention the religious, spiritual, superstitious and irrational aspects of it).

We don't have many written literature, or at least scientifically written like Donn Draeger's. So if I ever be able to share anything, it is based mostly from common knowledge of Indonesian Martial arts.

As for the rule to the regional variation <mmm... how to put quote here, do I have to retype it??>, yes, there is some, but not as obvious as those in China, with many exceptions. In old days, generally speaking, we can say that the western region of Indonesia hold many styles with high stances and stress on beauty (similar to those in Malaysia), while the eastern part use low stance and more practical (sometimes brutal).

I'll see if I can get more detailed information...
The page is unavailable due to excessive bandwidth. I guess it's no surprise since it's posted in this forum :D


Oops... please don't tell them that I posted their page here... :D

Just in case any of them has the 'santet' (sort of psychic) ability :p
Hey I haven't heard that word since a long ... long time. :D That's why I don't use my real name

The indonesian embassy to the US teaches Chimande and Chikalong. Contact the embassy for more information on the times and dates. It is located in Washington DC area.
The Biggest ones are Pentjak Silat and Kun Tao. Information Can Be found here. :asian:

I did a little pencak silat suci hati when I practised Japanese Jujitsu at my old school -

"It is traditionally evasive with its characteristic responses to an attack being light, fast, deceptive movements and to avoid bone-crushing contact with an assailant. Suci Hati a middle Java style has equal emphasis on hand and foot techniques". Suci Hati means "Pure Heart"

I have studied some indonesian silat in the past :Setia Hati Terare and a little Tapak Suci.

Once learned a Cikalong juru, and the movements were imitating those of a bat.....
Is Cikalong a style inspired by the bat?


Mabuhay ang filipino Silat at Arnis....

Hope you don't mind that I bring an old thread to first page again...

I am surprised to learn that Cikalong juruses are said to be imitating bat... those I know are far from it...

Cikalong is name of sub district in West Java, and the maenpo (silat) is named after the place. The founder of Maenpo Cikalong, Raden Haji Ibrahim, was born in Cikalong in 1816.

I don't study Cikalong, but watching people practicing the style I don't see any similarity with bat or any winged creature whatsoever :uhyeah:. Well, I teased them by calling them 'kalong' (bat) all right, they are among the few perguruan that still consistently hold class for the whole night.:ultracool
Born and evolved among the noble family, Maenpo Cikalong enjoyed clarity in history and lineage, unlike other equally popular West Java Silat such as Sera and Cimande.

There are some variations of Cikalong, depend on the lineage after Raden H. Ibrahim. However, to my observation, they all are good in close range and employ so called ‘rasa’ (literally: feeling, in this context, sensitivity). To my perception Cikalong can be categorized as soft art like Aikido or Taichi.
Silat Cikalong was aired by local TV station about a week a go. Luckily someone posted it in youtube (I missed it to :D ).


You may want to skip the first two videos as they are merely made-up story to introduce Cikalong community (the program was about Unique Community, not martial art).

The master in white is Pak Haji Aceng, direct student of R.H. Ibrahim, founder of Cikalong.

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