i'll make you all pay!

Personal responsiblity. anyone?? The only thing that would shut these schools down is a lack of fundage. Your responsibilty, man, no one else's.
I can't I don't get paid for 2 more days till then I'm broke.
Kirk -

I think you're right, Martial Talk has finally lured one from under the bridge. :flushed:

At least he's been fairly polite and entertaining...
Your fault if you got sucked in buddy!!!
Remember ol' Jack Burton, from "Big Trouble in Little China".....

"Have you paid your dues, Jack? Yes, sir...the check is in the mail".

Me too. Check's in the mail.

Originally posted by chungmoowarrior

you should have shut these "schools" down!
shoot, youll make us all laugh........no respects.