I would like to announce...



This morning I received permission from Vladimir Vasiliev to start a Systema training group under his organization, in London Ontario Canada.

Kenpo Arnis Canada has graciously allowed me the space to do so at their school.

I am so excited right now I am freaking out.

Please stay tuned for further details.
Originally posted by GouRonin
This morning I received permission from Vladimir Vasiliev to start a Systema training group under his organization, in London Ontario Canada.

Kenpo Arnis Canada has graciously allowed me the space to do so at their school.

I am so excited right now I am freaking out.

Please stay tuned for further details.



Sounds like a great step for you and the study group!

You must be very proud. Hope I can join in one day.


What's your Rank????

:EG: heh heh heh
Originally posted by GouRonin
Oh you smart@ss...


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

too funny. Sorry I Couldn't Resist

Originally posted by KenpoGirl
too funny. Sorry I Couldn't Resist

Alrighty then smarty pants...what rank would you give me?
I suggest "Guy who takes the garbage to the curb now!" like my wife likes to use...
Originally posted by GouRonin
Alrighty then smarty pants...what rank would you give me?
I suggest "Guy who takes the garbage to the curb now!" like my wife likes to use...

How about

Ultra Kewl Sytema Dude!! I think it suits. :D

P.S. Edited because my fingers don't know what they are doing some days. :shrug:
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
How about Ultra Kew Sytema Dude!! I think it suits.

I'm hoping you meant "kewL" 'cause I have no idea what a "kew" is!
When are you coming to Toronto next so I can buy your T shirt?
Originally posted by GouRonin
I'm hoping you meant "kewL" 'cause I have no idea what a "kew" is!

There I fixed it.

Sorry I was soooo excited cuz a my new rank. ;) hee hee :boing2:
The new t's should be done by then as well.
That's great. Count me in for those classes.
When's your first meeting/class? What will be your hours?

Thats great Gou

How did Vlad break the news to you?
