i need to vent on a few issues


Blue Belt
Founding Member
Sep 16, 2001
Reaction score
ontario CANADA
how come once someone you train to a fairly competent level of execution gets a little success under them,all of a sudden you don't get the credit for the work you put into them? hell my original instructor is a child molestor and i still give him credit for my beginings!

second how is that you can have successfull schools in your town the instructor shows up at your event but has no students with them? they are either a) to afraid to show thier students how good they really are instead of hiding behind some stripes or b)just plain old jerks for not helping support the event due to ego
but rest assure i am not bitter but i wont forget either and dont expect any support from me or my students at your events.:soapbox:
well I know it's a vent so don't nessisaraly pay attention to me but, Not everyone would see "support" as nessisary or even wanted.. Alot of people seem to be rather detached from any sence of MA "community"

Granted I don't realy know the situation so I don't know if that's the case..
Originally posted by jaybacca72
how come once someone you train to a fairly competent level of execution gets a little success under them,all of a sudden you don't get the credit for the work you put into them? hell my original instructor is a child molestor and i still give him credit for my beginings!

If you teach martil arts to have your students sing your praises your in the wrong business. If your student chooses not to say he was trained by you who really cares, it's probably a flaw in his character not yours. You need to get some steel girders etc, build a bridge and get over it.

Originally posted by jaybacca72
second how is that you can have successfull schools in your town the instructor shows up at your event but has no students with them? they are either a) to afraid to show thier students how good they really are instead of hiding behind some stripes or b)just plain old jerks for not helping support the event due to ego
but rest assure i am not bitter but i wont forget either and dont expect any support from me or my students at your events.:soapbox:

Sometimes the students just don't want to compete or come to the event. I know I've gone to several tournaments and only a handful of students attend. I'm amazed that they wouldn't at least come to watch. At least the instructor showed up to show his support for your event...

The "come to events W/O students" is a pet peeve of mine too. I have REALLY cut back the events I support as a result.
when you guys are going to something do you tell your students to go too? or do they just go on ther own?
Hi Jay.

I don't know what the circumstance is, but I know in my own case that a) I don't have that many students, and b) most of the students that I do get are there to learn self-defense or combat, and they only stay with me for a short time to learn "enough." They are not in it to be martial artists, and they don't go to seminars, generally.

I will say that I always let my students know about events, and I encourage them to go even if I can't. Maybe I can learn something from them.

I know what you mean though; I've seen far to many school owners who purposely keep their students away from seminars, so that they can be the "all knowing" ones. There is this one guy who is a Kempo and Thai boxing teacher close to my area who used to go to modern arnis seminars all the time by himself. He would stay as low key as possible, and he would never bring any students. He told me once that some things he "just likes to keep for himself." It turns out that what he was doing was taking Professors stuff and using it in his Kempo, but presenting it like he made it up himself. What a clown!

For those who don't know Jay, he's a very dedicated martial artist to whom many of us in his area owe our introduction to martial arts. He is definately not out to get his ego goals met, and I think it's sad that he doesn't get the kind of credit he deserves. Jay, you put togethor an amazing seminar this weekend, I look forward to anymore that you can arrange. Also, here's my belated thank-you for introducing me to training.
I still credit those who've taught me for all that they've given to me. It's been said before, but I'll say it again, I think the problem is one of student, not teacher, in this case.

It's the student who determines how he or she looks back on the teacher, despite everything the latter can do. You can do everything right and get disrespect, or do everything wrong and be adored. Or you can be the best teacher in the world and get the respect you deserve for it.

I guess it's just a function of doing the best we can for those we teach... Whenever I teach folks (whether one-on-one or in a class setting), I try to get across something they find useful... and I try to give them the best of what I know. I just hope for the best. If we do our job right, they should walk away having learned something, and regardless of who gets credit for it, WE KNOW whose style our students are using, who taught them, etc... I wouldn't mind seeing students reflecting the respect I teach them by acknowledging me now and again, but I can live without.

Either way, I understand where you're coming from. I don't know what the specifics are in the case or cases you're describing, but I can understand why someone can be p-d off if someone they taught denies they ever studied under them or something like that... that's just disrespectful, and I would think that any half-decent student or teacher wouldn't want to train under or teach a person like that. Just my humble opinion.
