How would you rate your Martial Art Abilities

How would you rate your martial art Abilities

  • Damn Im Good

  • Great

  • Okay

  • Amateur

  • Novice

  • Could get my *** kicked by a 5 year old

  • Weaker than a 100 year old lady

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Novice is rating myself high! My instructor did say to me, "how
do you think you would do in a fight against yourself? You of
now, versus you of the day before you walked into the studio.
I'd kick my butt! LOL! So I feel the training is helping, but I'm
not too eager to try this stuff out in the street! And that's not
being all mystical here about M.A. being about the art and spiritual
enlightenment. I mean I don't know how effective I'd be.
I am so weak i could probably get my *** Kicked by a 5year old:rofl:
haha. I said "okay", I can kick my brothers *** thats all that counts. :D
I'm kinda rubbish but I put okay just to sound good :p
I put "damn I'm good" 'coz even though I'm rubbish as well I just wanted to outdo Master of Blades. :D :boing2: :p
It's hard to say for me. It depends, I guess. In TKD, I'm good for my rank. If I went back to TSD, I'd say "OK." If Warder caught me off guard on the street with his ground fighting, I'd be dead LOL.
I put Amature mainly because I've been feeling like I've been improving lately but in reality...I'm pathetic.:eek::rolleyes: :)

Originally posted by Kiz Bell
I put "damn I'm good" 'coz even though I'm rubbish as well I just wanted to outdo Master of Blades. :D :boing2: :p

Oh that how it is? Dont forget whos got the most posts buddy! :p
I could get my *** kicked by a 5 year old but bring on the old ladies! In fact I think I'll head to the old age home and challenge one to a fight just to feel more manly.
Darn I m GOOD :D
hate humility ;) :D
I'm OK most of the time, but don't ask me one of the days I feel I can be kicked in the *** by a new born, lol
I'd put okay, because even though I'm not a bad martial artist by a long shot, every fight I've gotten into, I've lost (with rare exceptions). Mostly because I hate fighting. Or I did... and ever since I started to enjoy sparring, people have left me alone... weird, that, eh?


Me, I'd have to say "Damn I'm Good!", a real bad *** I must admit!!! :mst: (Oh, by the way this is my own fantasy).

The reality is that I'm just an average joe who's capable of taking a real good *** whippin' just like the next guy. However, I do have the ability to hit somebody really hard on their fist with my face so watch out... :erg:
For my age and the ammount of time i've trained I would say I'm okay.... I could easily handle myself in a self defence situation...
I put Great. But I do lack in some departments.
Originally posted by YouAgain
For my age and the ammount of time i've trained I would say I'm okay.... I could easily handle myself in a self defence situation...

I feel the same, :cheers:

we all have our good days and our down days, I gues it all depends on your state of mind

stacks :knight:
I can take a hit (or a lot of hits) really well!! Believe me, I practice all the time.:D
I've changed my mind......I'm ****ing fantastic :D