How many people here.....


Master of Blades

Read comics? :D

Me myself I am a HUGE comic book fan. I read pretty much everything but my favourite would have to be Spawn and most Marvel Comics. I've just started getting into Spawn and I really like Todd Mcfarlen! I've got a pretty big collection of comics at the moment but I am currently getting all the Marvel Mangaverse cuz its a nice change :D

So anyone else collect comics? Or am I just said? :rolleyes:
Yep, I've collected comics for many years now but not quite as long my mom. She gets DC and Bone but used to get a lot of Marvel and Spawn etc. I mostly collect DC Comics (like Batman, Robin, JLA, etc.) but I collected some Marvel (mostly Excaliber) for awhile.

Robyn :asian:

AtariForce, BSG, Trek (goldenkey, marvel and DC), Star Wars (marvel and Dark Horse).

Also, KODT, Nodwick, and Dork Tower are my current -cant miss- favorites.


(Oh, he's a client of mine who deals in comics.) :D
I have a collection of about 200, mostly X-men. But a wide varity of different ones Marvel and DC. Spawn was just coming out when I GREW UP ;) and stopped collecting.

heh heh heh.

What about the Kiss comics? :rofl: I was a super huge Kiss fan when I was younger, now I just kinda take them for what there worth. But man I was so siked when I got the original Kiss comic for my Kiss collection which I sold when I stopped liking them. Oh well.

BTW my instructor is really good friends with one of the sketch artist for the X-Men and Hulk. I met him quite a few times when we were going to start a band. I think his name is Ron Garney, awesome guy. :)
I read 'em, but I don't buy 'em anymore. I like anything well written, with the art being secondary to story.

With that in mind, I can't stand Todd MacFarlane. He couldn't write a recipe and his stuff is WAY over-rendered. Greg Capullo, who did a lot of Spawn stuff, had his own distinctive style. Very clean and unique. After he started working for MacFarlane, his stuff turned to crap.

I like some older artists, like Romita Sr. His son's work is also pretty good. I liked Quesada when he was doing Batman books. For writing, Miller, David, Moore, Ennis, Smith.

Ah, old EC comics. Anyone remember them?

I *used* to collect comics, waaaaaaaay back when. My favorite series was the "Secret Wars" and "Secret Wars II".....unfortunately, I was young and stupid, and thought that I had to buy all of the crossover issues as well, and, well.....I ran out of money quickly.

My favorites at the time tended to be more along the Spiderman and Batman lines, but I had a whole bunch of other offbeat stuff in there, like "Ambush Bug" and "Rocket Raccoon". Yeah, go figure...;)

For the more adult martial artist (kenpoka) who is into might want to check out Kenpo Comics . I keep intending to get a set of these, but have not gotten around to it yet......but the samples are pretty fun!!

Ambush Bug was great. Keith Giffen is incredibly funny sometimes. His shortlived title, 'The Heckler', was hilarious.

Anyone old enough to remember the original TMNT comics?

And who can forget The Tick?


Besides standards like X-men and Spiderman (Which to be honest, I haven't read mainstream comics for close to ten years, tho I used to avidly,) I've been reading some small press books lately. I really like Jhonen Vasquez's books like Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Lenore, and Squee. Oh My Goth is funny, as are some of the humor/porn books like Bondage Fairys.
I used to have quite a collection...until my ex-stepmother decided I was too old for my toys and comic books and threw them out one year while I was away for the summer. I could kill her, if she had kept her hands to herself, I would now be living a life of luxury.
Originally posted by Seig
Believe me, i have checked the scriptures looking to see if this was some kind of loophole for committing murder. Of course, in WV the "She needed Killin" defense is valid......

:rofl: :rofl: , Sounds like you really researched that.

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