How can you tell...



Q: How do you know if an individual studies Tae Kwon Do?

A: He's up on his toes in the tournaments and flat on his back in the streetfights.

Again, hee hee hee!
Good thing that jokes like that don't start flame wars....:rolleyes:

Heh....just remember,'s a JOKE...;)

Whereas a BJJ guy is flat on his back in the tournaments and the streetfights.
The BJJ is flat on his back in the tournaments, but he's dead in the streetfights because while he was in the guard, dealing with one assailant, the guy's buddies came up and kicked him in the head over and over and over....and over and over and over...:asian:
Wow, I like that joke. It was pretty good.
wrong answers...the rite answer will be...
A. with all those Dan stripes in the belt :D :p

inteded pun...

"Q: How do you know if an individual studies Tae Kwon Do?

A: He's up on his toes in the tournaments and flat on his back in the streetfights."

I didn't think that joke was funny.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
How can you tell a guy studies kenpo?

He's the one throwing 6 punched, 8 kicks, 3 headbutts and 1 eye gouge in the air after his 1st punch took out the glass jawed yetz who attacked him....


When he's got a busted right arm asks his attacker to come back in a few weeks when he can do his technique that he only studied from the right side.


He asks his attacker to pause so he can remember movement 85 in long 4 which is just what he needs at the moment.

How can you tell a guy studies FMA?
- He's always grinning at the knife show.
- 'Getting Wood' means he's digging out his rattan
- He knows what the phrase 'and you are already cut' means, and remembers it fondly.

I got more around somewhere.....
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

. . .
How can you tell a guy studies FMA?
- He's always grinning at the knife show.
- 'Getting Wood' means he's digging out his rattan
- He knows what the phrase 'and you are already cut' means, and remembers it fondly.

How Can you tell someone trains in FMA?

Boy this makes me smile Kaith. Oh How so true all three are.

Here is my addition: When the guy uses his machete to trim down a small tree or brank into a good striking stick. :D

The FMA practitioner is the guy who shows up to the knife fight and has brought enough knives for everyone. :cool:

The FMA Practitioner is also the guy who shows up to the Gun fight with a knife. And then proceeds to explain the rule of 20 Feet for safe distance.:eek:

How many kenpoists does it take to screw in a light bulb? No kenpoist can do it because SGM Ed Parker never wrote the technique for it:)
Heh heh heh...
The Kenpo ones are actually funnier than my original post!
Originally posted by Kenpo Wolf

How many kenpoists does it take to screw in a light bulb? No kenpoist can do it because SGM Ed Parker never wrote the technique for it:)

You are of course, wrong. Which is not uncommon in the Kenpo community. :rolleyes:

It takes 10+ Kenpo Black Belts to screw in a lightbulb.

1 to do it first and 9+ others to gather around and tell him it won't work, and that he is wrong because Mr. Parker showed him another way.

Nevermind that the light is on. Do it again the right way.
An aikidoka does it softer and in harmony :D
A karatedoka does it harder while saying "OUSH" all the time :D
A Tai chi praticer does it slowly and all by himself :D
A Iaidoka does it on the first stroke (draw) :D
A Kempo-ka does it with a stick, screaming :D
A kempo artist uses everypart of his body - twice :D


10 reasons to date a wreestler
Always wears headgear
will eat anything
knows when to push and pull
endurance,endurance endurance
goes hard from start to finishcan work a two on one
knows how to use his hips
can score from any position
never stalls on bottom
knows how to ride

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