


My name is Gabriel, i´m a Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu practicioner from the far land of Argentina... Sorry for my english, but i´ll do my best for making me understand so we can talk...
The idea of this message is to present myself and tell you that i think it´s beatiful to be able to talk with people that love this art as much as i do, and of so distant places for me like the US.
For giving a little of information about the training in here i can say that we train monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and saturday, two hours per day. I think it´s pretty effective and the training respectable rough, in the little time i´ve been training in here i´ve seen many people come and go.
Hoping to talk with you soon

Best regards
How did you happen to select Ninjutsu as your art? Had you trained in anything else before?

Jay bell, thanks! nice to meet you!
Arnisador, well, i´ve trained a year in judo and three years in shaolín kung fu, why did i choose ninjutsu? well, after leaving the shaolín school i needed to train again, my body was asking it. I started to look after some academies of diferent arts, sincerily ninjutsu wasn´t in my list of martial arts, i never seemed to be atracted by the ninja stuff. One day, travelling by bus i saw the dojo, entered in just for curiosity, took a free class and well, after that moment you could say that i fell in love with it... it´s like i´ve found a second family, were i train with the same people everyday, were i found that i can trust and be trusted, nothing was like a thought it was going to be, it was hard, but now i´m begining to understand that its an art about life and not damage, and that is what i love of it, being able to grow, phisically and spiritualy with the people that i´m begining to feel like my brothers, and so i say hi and nice to meet you to everybody that shares this passion for life.

C ya

Well... i think that the closest point is ´bout the low positions, let´s say like when you do go gyo no kata, ku no kata, the position when you go down blocking the geri it´s very very similar to a kung fu position called mapu.... i find many points of contact between the two arts, but the most notable is the low positions, diferent to karate or others that have higher positions... historically i think there is a big point of contact between the two arts, with chinese refugees in iga and koga regions.
i found interesting that some secuences of moves of ninjutsu are very similar to a form of kung fu called apu chuen...

what do you do? did you practice other arts before ninjutsu?
Originally posted by Fitolandia

what do you do? did you practice other arts before ninjutsu?

I don't practice ninjutsu--I'm just 'eavesdropping' I'm afraid. I'm a Modern Arnis practitioner.
Originally posted by Fitolandia


Jay bell, thanks! nice to meet you!
Arnisador, well, i´ve trained a year in judo and three years in shaolín kung fu, why did i choose ninjutsu? well, after leaving the shaolín school i needed to train again, my body was asking it. I started to look after some academies of diferent arts, sincerily ninjutsu wasn´t in my list of martial arts, i never seemed to be atracted by the ninja stuff. One day, travelling by bus i saw the dojo, entered in just for curiosity, took a free class and well, after that moment you could say that i fell in love with it... it´s like i´ve found a second family, were i train with the same people everyday, were i found that i can trust and be trusted, nothing was like a thought it was going to be, it was hard, but now i´m begining to understand that its an art about life and not damage, and that is what i love of it, being able to grow, phisically and spiritualy with the people that i´m begining to feel like my brothers, and so i say hi and nice to meet you to everybody that shares this passion for life.

C ya

i dont think there is a thing wrong with your english... you defined our love for the arts as well as anyone could have.......WELCOME!...............respects.
Arnisador, well that´s great!! i think that hear is the sign of an open mind :)

Richard, thanks man!! i´m glad to be with you

c ya all in new threads

Welcome to the board and the wonderful world of training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu!

Training in Ohio, USA
Thanks, it´s a pleasure to be here with you all