Hey Guys


White Belt
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
New Plymouth, New Zealand
Hi guys, i'm mike and just joined MT, i have trained in BJJ, Goju Ryu Karate, Muay, Capoeira and MMA over the last 12 years. I am looking forward to studying Shaolin Kung Fu in a few weeks time and am hoping to learn more about the history of Chinese martial arts.
I noticed there isn't much about Capoeira on here (if you don't regard it as i martial art then i understand, took me a while to =P ) so if you have any questions about that or anything else, ask away =]
Looking forward to becoming an active member on here, thanks guys.
Hi guys, i'm mike and just joined MT, i have trained in BJJ, Goju Ryu Karate, Muay, Capoeira and MMA over the last 12 years. I am looking forward to studying Shaolin Kung Fu in a few weeks time and am hoping to learn more about the history of Chinese martial arts.
I noticed there isn't much about Capoeira on here (if you don't regard it as i martial art then i understand, took me a while to =P ) so if you have any questions about that or anything else, ask away =]
Looking forward to becoming an active member on here, thanks guys.

Welcome! I regard Capoeira as an art but I've only seen it in film.
Welcome to MT, i'm sure there are going to be lots of questions! Capoeira is a under-represented art here on MT!

Welcome to MT. If you know some other capoeira practitioners, maybe you can invite them to the site and get that area rolling.