Hey, Any Oregon Kenpoists Out There???

Milt G.

Purple Belt
Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
Hillsboro, OR.
Any Oregon Kenpo practitioners out there?
If so, how about Northern Oregon?
Milt G.
How about Northwestern U.S. Kenpo practitioners???

Milt G.
Well, ya got me, but you already knew that. :D

I think "Touch of Death" out of Spokane may be the only other PNW kenpoist on here.
Hello, Lamont...
Yes, I know we have you and am proud of it! :)

We have always been kind of "sparse" in these parts.

Thanks for keeping in touch!
Milt G.
There are a few kenpoists hiding out in Oregon. I am in the Salem area.

Great news!

So, where (which school) do you practice?
Which "variation" of Kenpo do you study?

I am in Hillsboro.

Thanks for your reply.
Milt G.
I teach private lessons and am a student of Jim Mitchell. I have met a few people from Hillsboro in the past including Dave Coffman. Perhaps we can get together sometime.

I teach private lessons and am a student of Jim Mitchell. I have met a few people from Hillsboro in the past including Dave Coffman. Perhaps we can get together sometime.


I am quite familiar with Jim Mitchell. One of the old timers. Is he still in your area? Many years of Kenpo there, to be sure. I see an old student of his every once in awhile here in the Orenco Station area of Hillsboro, where I live.
I know Dave Coffman, too. He is a student of mine. A very hard worker. It is indeed a small world... :)

Yes, let's get together sometime? I do get out that way from time to time. Do you ever get up this way?

Nice to hear from you,
Milt G.
[email protected]