Hey, all



Hey, folks,

Sorry I haven't been around lately (if ya noticed, that is... if not, no worries, eh? :p). Had to move down to Virginia for the summer with school done for the term. I will endeavour to continue posting over the summer, but I'll be pretty sporadic due to the pos dial-up connection I've got down here. If you have anything you want to discuss, feel free to PM me (yes, I'm looking in your direction QS!), or to email me (but please ask me if you can email first if you don't know me all that well!).

Have a good summer folks!

Originally posted by Seig
Where in Virginia?

Oh... hah. Good question. :p

Fairfax, VA, Herndon VA, and Reston, VA, are where I'm nearest to. Also Alexandria and Bethesda, Maryland, but those are pretty long drives.

Thanks again, folks!

Hey, wait, I just gave my location away to Seig... great, now the Boot Mafia's gonna come over and work over my groin. S***. :p

J/k, Seig. :p
Originally posted by Cliarlaoch
Oh... hah. Good question. :p

Fairfax, VA, Herndon VA, and Reston, VA, are where I'm nearest to. Also Alexandria and Bethesda, Maryland, but those are pretty long drives.

Thanks again, folks!

Hey, wait, I just gave my location away to Seig... great, now the Boot Mafia's gonna come over and work over my groin. S***. :p

J/k, Seig. :p
That means you are less than an hour from me. Get in touch with me off line and maybe we can set something up for a FRIENDLY get together!
Originally posted by Seig
That means you are less than an hour from me. Get in touch with me off line and maybe we can set something up for a FRIENDLY get together!

Hey that's pretty nice of you Seig. Clairloach enjoy the friendly get together if you go.:D
Originally posted by Seig
I can be nice when the occassion demands.

Yes, I see. Well I had a good weekend at your place. You're a good man. :asian:
Originally posted by Seig
Damn! :mad: my secret is out:disgust:

Behave only when the west virginia mafia needs too:cool: . I remember seeing that guy sitting on the steps of the municiple building strumming his banjo:eek: :eek: :eek: !!!!:eek:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Behave only when the west virginia mafia needs too:cool: . I remember seeing that guy sitting on the steps of the municiple building strumming his banjo:eek: :eek: :eek: !!!!:eek:
He said you was pritty too! BTW, it look slike Tess and I will be moving next weekend, so next time you come out, you are welcome to stay at Casa Seig, that should save you some denero and keep Heather mollified a little.
Originally posted by Seig
He said you was pritty too! BTW, it look slike Tess and I will be moving next weekend, so next time you come out, you are welcome to stay at Casa Seig, that should save you some denero and keep Heather mollified a little.

Cool, thanks!...I'm still hoping to try my best to get there.
Originally posted by Seig
Bring your wife, we can lock her in the basement.:D

:rofl: :rofl:

Then I probably wouldn't be allowed back out. Well that is unless Tess would like to go shopping with her sometime.:D