Hello MT members!

Thanks Palusut, what can I say,Tuhon Ray got me hooked from the first time I seen his skills in the 2003 SamaSama dvd.I'm a karambit junkie for life LOL %-}
Thanks Palusut, what can I say,Tuhon Ray got me hooked from the first time I seen his skills in the 2003 SamaSama dvd.I'm a karambit junkie for life LOL %-}
You're welcome, Kerambit!

Yeah, it's also cool that your avatar looks like the "Kerambitch" blade designed by Jerry Hossom and Tuhan Ray.


Welcome Karambit! Nice to see another FMAer on the board. :)
Welcome Karambit! Nice to see another FMAer on the board. :)
Thanks Carol..hey no double posting eh? lol :cheers: I see you've made a lot of positive contributions at MT. Keep up the good work.I'm looking forward to all your informative posts :)
Thanks Carol..hey no double posting eh? lol :cheers: I see you've made a lot of positive contributions at MT. Keep up the good work.I'm looking forward to all your informative posts :)

LOL!! Hey and if you ever see my mind around here....let me know, I think I've lost it!! :D :D
Right on,

Welcome. I have a dan in judo, blue in tae kwon do and green in hapkido. I like you have one thing in common.....I am recovering from surgery. I am here to tell you that I know this sitting around and watching the korean nationals and poomse videos sucks big.

Good luck and cherish your training time as you can get too it.
Welcome and happy posting! I also hope you'll have a speedy recovery, and won't feel too down when you aren't practicing.

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