hello 2 everyone



Hi I have been reading the posts on the forum and think its a cool place. Thought I'd join up! I will be attending University of Michigan Flint in the fall. Is anyone from that area that can point me to a gooddojo/school?
Hey Kenny, welcome to the forums.

What sort of art are you looking to study? There is a wide range of arts represented here on Martial Talk so you can get information on just about any art.

Again, welcome to the forums, happy posting, and best of luck in school and in finding a place to train.

Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay!! :supcool:

Hay kenny,
just wanted to say hi i am from the kalamazoo area originally.
but now live in Mesa Airzona .
Welcome! Yes, Rich Parsons is from that area. We need to draw his attention to this thread!
kenny300 said:
Hi I have been reading the posts on the forum and think its a cool place. Thought I'd join up! I will be attending University of Michigan Flint in the fall. Is anyone from that area that can point me to a gooddojo/school?

Hey Kenny,

Glad to see a new member on Martial Talk. U of M Flint is a great school. At least when I went there ;)

Contact me either PM here or [email protected] and we can discuss more about what you are looking for. Lots of different arts in the area, and suburbs of Flint. FMA (* what I teach *), KMA, JMA, CMA, and I am sure there are more.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Rich Parsons said:
Hey Kenny,

Glad to see a new member on Martial Talk. U of M Flint is a great school. At least when I went there ;)

:D Yeah, its ok. It took Rich a lot less time to get out of there than it took me :lol:

Seriously Kenny, Rich is a great resource as to what is going on in the area, take advantage of him. And if I can be of any help either, please let me know. Good luck
PS what are you going to be studing at U of M, Flint?
Thanks for the nice welcome!
I don't know if Ithis is where to continue this post, but I have some questions for everyone and Rich in particular. I took karate when I was a lot younger, i dont remember very much of it. Can you tell me what is covered in your style? Belts? Tournements?
kenny300 said:
Thanks for the nice welcome!
I don't know if Ithis is where to continue this post, but I have some questions for everyone and Rich in particular. I took karate when I was a lot younger, i dont remember very much of it. Can you tell me what is covered in your style? Belts? Tournements?


We do Modern Arnis, which has belts, and there are others that do, do tournaments, but we do not in general. We can help you if you are interested. Our art has Weapons, Stick/Knife, Empthy Hands, including joint locks and throws, ..., .

Yet, I also know people in the TSD, TKD, Hsing I, Hapkido, JKD (* Marvin here on Martial Talk *), and others most likely.

Do you wish to continue studying Traditional JMA as in Traditional Karate, or do you wish to try other areas? Tell us a little more about what you are looking for, and we can guide you to an art and or school that can help you, get what you are looking for.

Honestly, I don't know what I'm looking for. I want to be able to defend myself and I want an art that is not just punching or just kicking. I dont know what kind of karate that I did, it was some type of "american karate". So I guess that could be anything.
They Killed Kenny!!!!

You *******s!!!!

Welcome to the forum Kenny!
kenny300 said:
Honestly, I don't know what I'm looking for. I want to be able to defend myself and I want an art that is not just punching or just kicking. I dont know what kind of karate that I did, it was some type of "american karate". So I guess that could be anything.

Drop me an e-mail at [email protected] on how to reach you

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