has anyone used this product???


Black Belt
Jul 9, 2002
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA.
I was considering a XXL wavemaster. (which can be picked up brand new on ebay for $200 including shipping) Pretty bulky. Plus the whole water thing would be kind of a pain.
Water's not all that bad, but they can be filled with sand. If it's just going to be used in the gym/dojo/dojang and not moved around all that much, sand works really well. That $200's not bad, but the regular wavemaster is cheaper and with a sand base does a good job.
I also looked @ the regular wavemaster but you cant do head shots and low kicks without having to adjust the settings.
Originally posted by cfr
I was considering a XXL wavemaster. (which can be picked up brand new on ebay for $200 including shipping) Pretty bulky. Plus the whole water thing would be kind of a pain.

I've got one of them, and have been very pleased with it.

It's nice and chunky like a torso so you can grab it and slam your knees and elbow into it, and it's also about 6 feet tall so you can kick up as high as you need to with it, lots of fun!

Originally posted by cfr
I also looked @ the regular wavemaster but you cant do head shots and low kicks without having to adjust the settings.

It's also *a lot* easier to tip over. I prefer the style of the XXL Wavemaster.

We have a BOB, it's very sturdy and we love the upper-body reference points. My instructor actually wrapped the lower part with a foam/duct tape sheath to extend the useable area. Now you can knee him in the "nuts" and stuff.

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