Happy Slapper...slapped


Senior Master
Jan 24, 2004
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri
I guess this is as good a place to put this as any...(mods feel free to move it if necessary)

I'm sure most of us have heard about the problems with "happy slapping" in the UK. For those that haven't, there are some people who think that it's humorous for their friends to film them walking up and just slapping the s*** out of some random person on the street.

In this case, the game kinda backfired on the "slapper." (serves him right :D). Sooner or later, one of these idiots is going to jump the wrong person and get themselves killed.

article: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-2137321_1,00.html

video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x97VLJBFWuo
Hand Sword said:
I bet they don't pick out those that look like they'd be trouble.
I'm sure they don't. But as we saw here, if the victim selection process fails the results might not be too good.
I love British humor as much as the next Yank. But this... isn't funny by a long shot. What makes them (the slapper and cameraman) think that it's funny? If not humor then what's the point of it?
These blokes need a few more helpings of Monty Pyton and Mr. Bean to ascertain what's funny and what's not.
Sheesh. :rolleyes: Got wha' 'e de'erves eh?
Moderator Note:

Thread moved to the Locker Room.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Senior Moderator
LOL! Nice.
I agree with hand sword all the way. Given it looks like a bigger, busy city; lets see someone do that at random in NY City, Detroit, Dallas, etc.... They may get away with it a couple of times, but sooner or later someone is going to give them a case of lead poisoning. Funny video though, I love to see punks get the snot knocked out of them.
bydand said:
I agree with hand sword all the way. Given it looks like a bigger, busy city; lets see someone do that at random in NY City, Detroit, Dallas, etc.... They may get away with it a couple of times, but sooner or later someone is going to give them a case of lead poisoning. Funny video though, I love to see punks get the snot knocked out of them.

You'll find though that the people that do this choice thier targets,usally they wont do it to anyone that looks like a threat.
This all started in the poorer 'ghetto' parts of london such as stonebridge and brixton.
They are a bunch of cowards though,we need more results like that one on the video!!
I love it when morons like that get what's coming to them....now THAT'S funny.
MA-Caver said:
I love British humor as much as the next Yank. But this... isn't funny by a long shot. What makes them (the slapper and cameraman) think that it's funny? If not humor then what's the point of it?
These blokes need a few more helpings of Monty Pyton and Mr. Bean to ascertain what's funny and what's not.
Sheesh. :rolleyes: Got wha' 'e de'erves eh?
evidently youve never been in the presence of 'the chav'. a cultural/social monstrosity thats reared its head here. see

The article says that he punches him in the chin, knocking him unconscious, then walks off, muttering to himself. But to me it looks quite clear that he stamps on his face. Either way anyone happy slapping deserves to get punched unconscious. There's nothing funny about it at all. And this isn't typical british humour either by the way, no normal person would find it funny, its just typical scumbag humour.
Good thing this didn't happen in the US, else the victim would probably get sued for knocking the slapper out. I think it was great, slapper got what he deserved!
Ping898 said:
Good thing this didn't happen in the US, else the victim would probably get sued for knocking the slapper out.
he probably will. that attitude of 'i had an accident, I DEMAND COMPENSATION NOW!' is getting stronger and stronger here. it pisses me off, but what can you do?

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