**Guilt or Not Guilt**


Green Belt
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
Atlanta Ga, USA
For this game all you have to do is answer guilt or not guilt to the question. After you have answered you must leave a new question for the next poor soul to answer.

So, have you ever use a use a match (or lighter of some kind) and a bottle of hair spray to make a flaming torch?
For this game all you have to do is answer guilt or not guilt to the question. After you have answered you must leave a new question for the next poor soul to answer.

So, have you ever use a use a match (or lighter of some kind) and a bottle of hair spray to make a flaming torch?
*hangs head* Guilty :EG:

Have you ever blamed someone (and got away with it) when you were clearly guilty??
*hangs head* Guilty :EG:

Have you ever blamed someone (and got away with it) when you were clearly guilty??


Have you ever cheated on your significant other?

Ever make a fool out of yourself in front of a lot of people.

OMIGOD guilty!! :lfao: (thankfully the game doesn't ask for details :rolleyes: )

Ever find something in your bags the store clerk missed, and not take it back to pay for it?
Not guilty only becaus eI am to stupid to do it

Have you ever been seen going number one outside?
Guilty and it was ugly

Ever wanted to joyride but was affaird tot ake the car?