Greatest Instructor?

My own instructor. That's why I train with him. He is the best instructor for me, maybe not for everyone, bu I don't really care about that.
I've trained with a lot of very good ones. My current instructor is the best by a good country mile. That's why he's been my "current instructor" for over sixteen years.
my current instructor is I think the best for me right now. I have also had seminars from his instructor, and the only one who would be more knowledgeable then kyoshi would be hanshi judan Ezio Shimubukuro.
Frank Dux, because he challenges me on more than just the physical level. He pushes me to be a leader instead of just a follower, and to think for myself. He also gets deep into the science of the martial arts and helps his students to discover their own style and not just be clones of him.
Y'know on second thought I'll just deep six this post. It was certainly true, but no good could come of it.
Man what a loaded question, I would have to say my son since he is the only one willing to push me like my old instructor did and not worry about how mad I will get.
I enjoy training with Grandmaster John Pellegrini..Close 2nd would be Master Frank Huff of N.J. The man has more tricks up his sleeve than Houdini...
I am having trouble deciding. My Dad was pretty darn good, even though I did not see it at the time. He pushed me in ways that border on sadistic and opened my eyes to a lot.

My Isshinryu instructor is exceptional as well, he gave me skills that were beyond my level of comprehension at the time. I mena really out there.

My current EPAK instructor is great and he gives me as much knowledge as I can digest and then pushes me to be the best that I can be.

My boxing coach, he made my hands into something that many told me was impossible. Hard hitting and fast.

So my answer is, I can't decide!!!!! I have not even hit ther reasons why my Hawaiian Kenpo Instructor, my Chito-ryu Instructor, and my TKD Instructor are outstanding.
How is it loaded?

Because so many different people will have to decide between alot of great instructors, like me I have trained wit alot over forty years and to say they where the best is not fair to the others.
Because so many different people will have to decide between alot of great instructors, like me I have trained wit alot over forty years and to say they where the best is not fair to the others.

Aaaah, so you don't know what a loaded question is. I get.
Ok, guys, thanks for all the replies but maybe I wasn't totally clear on what I was asking.

I want to know who your favorite instructor is but MORE importantly I want to know why.
Like what do they do that makes them your favorite or the best?

Is it their teaching style, knowledge, generosity in sharing info, commitment to their students development?

Thanks guys,
All the great instructors I have met have a few things in common. They will run structured classes based in principle rather than technique. When they correct you it will be very to the point and it will help you far beyond fixing whatever you were doing at the moment. They have an inspireing depth of knowlegde and ability to apply and pass on. They are also nice people but demand and expect the best from you.

Allain Sailly of Goshindo
Torbjorn Arntsen of JuJutsu Norway
My Sensei of Wado Ryu