Greatest. Idea. Ever. Period. No Questions. This is everything that is right in the world.


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri
No longer will the world be bereft of exotic weaponry and gadgets! Do not mourn your lack of electrified body armor! If it can be made, but it should not be, IT SHALL BE!

I have three words for you.


Oh. My. God.

First of all, this website alone requires that Bob Hubbard create a new forum titled, "SERIOUS BUSINESS"

Secondly, these guys are FOR REAL. This is no joke. These are real life, everyday people, WHO ARE REAL SUPERHEROES.

Thirdly. I have always wanted to do this, and I think perhaps my wife finding this website is a sign that now is the time.

When criminals in this world appear and break the laws that they should fear and frighten all who see or hear, we need more REAL SUPERHEROES.

Join me, true believers. We can change this world. With tights and masks and capes.

I'm not making fun. I'm serious. We must support this.

For our children.

Well, I suppose everybody needs somebody to point and laugh at. Even furries.

I was serious. These people are an inspiration. I think we should all put on costumes and walk the streets fighting crime.

Im sure this has been posted here before.
It's ok man. I'm not really joking, but I do take this lightly. I want this to be a happy thread. I really do want people to wear costumes and fight crime, but it is also kind of funny. I don't think these people should be ridiculed, at least not for this, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun with the idea.

I find it quite humorous. What exactly do they do? Walk around and call the police at signs of trouble? True vigilantism could bring a world of legal problems not to mention their own safety. (I'm being facetious)

In any case, if they can have fun being "good Samaritans" (and that's what it sounds like it basically boils down to), then...good for them. :)

Superheroes of the world...UNITE!!! :D
My costume itches.
It's ok man. I'm not really joking, but I do take this lightly. I want this to be a happy thread. I really do want people to wear costumes and fight crime, but it is also kind of funny. I don't think these people should be ridiculed, at least not for this, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun with the idea.

Ok Rob, tell ya what... seeing how serious you are on this... we'll let YOU have first dibs on costume choice. We'd love to see it *snicker* and you can ask Bob to *chuckle* take a pic of you and post it here on MT.
Probably useful as a community group if they get involved in volunteer work.

Other than that, they should probably stick to playing CoH.

I think their hearts are in the right place and who knows, maybe their presence really has deterrred some crimes. It's not a bad idea, so long as they're in small groups for their own safety?. The article wasn't clear about that.

They do deserve some credit for actually attempting to live out their dreams and having a higher purpose in their lives. Most people never try either.

OTOH, do any of these people have any kind of SD training? That concerns me.
It's not the wannabe Night Owls who scare me. It's the junior grade Rorsharchs
Ok Rob, tell ya what... seeing how serious you are on this... we'll let YOU have first dibs on costume choice. We'd love to see it *snicker* and you can ask Bob to *chuckle* take a pic of you and post it here on MT.

You snicker and snort, but I'm considering it.

When free men are beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men, they need not fear. For out of the darkness shall come....

The Anarchist
