Grandmaster Jerson Tortal Jr. Teaching The Philippines National Special Action Force!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Grandmaster Jerson Tortal Jr. training the Philippines National Police Special Action Force the art of Dekiti Tirsia Siradas.

Thanks for posting... I hate myself being unable to understand my own language... Now I have to visit my parents to help translate cuz I want to know what everyone's laughing about!
I was lucky enough to do some a couple of one on one training sessions with Jerson "Nene" Tortal Sr. a dozen years ago while on a visit to the old country. I wish I was able to do some follow up training

For a little background info, Tortal Sr. is Leo Gaje's uncle, and they share the same family system, explaining the similarities.
GM Nene will be in the US from June to October this year. His seminar schedule is posted on

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