Goton-po / Inton jutsu in Taijutsu


Orange Belt
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
Quick question that needs an answer : Where is Goton-po / Inton jutsu hidden (or reveled) in Taijutsu ? Thanks for an answer, guys and gals. :mst:

Check out the Togakure-ryu DVD by Hatsumi, you see some examples of it in there... Stuff like where they are kicking someone walking by while they are laying on top of the wall, and they roll off on the oposite side... Or use Metsubishi and roll off into the weeds when the powder is in their eyes...

That's what you meant right?

On a side note, are you going to see Luke in August down at Angies?

Check out the Togakure-ryu DVD by Hatsumi, you see some examples of it in there... Stuff like where they are kicking someone walking by while they are laying on top of the wall, and they roll off on the oposite side... Or use Metsubishi and roll off into the weeds when the powder is in their eyes...

That's what you meant right?

On a side note, are you going to see Luke in August down at Angies?

Hey John,

Actually, what I ment was where does Goton-po / Inton jutsu manifest itself specifically in the taijutsu in Togakure ryu........ for example, more concealed movement whilts in defence mode? Or certain ways to conceal intent while in evasion mode ? Kinda like that (hard to explain...). Love the other 'sexy' techniques in Densho as well, though.

Dunno if I'm gonna be able to make it to Angie's this time around ; gotta
"aruki" around the missus after I go to Midwest Taikai ( Are you and Vic going ?). Money issues, as well. When's Buyu-Fest, though ? Was seriously concidering that. LMK. :duel:

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